All ReadySet

Last week, a number of PlayStation 4 users reported seeing their levels, stats, and skill ratings reduced or even reset while playing Blizzard’s mega-successful team shooter, Overwatch. While...

Ana Amari has been in public beta testing for a few days now, but as of today Blizzard has officially added her to Overwatch‘s character roster on PC!

Overwatch players on PlayStation 4 have run afoul of a bug which can revert or even reset their accounts, costing them experience points, levels, competitive ranking, and unlockable rewa...

Despite continued server problems and even a denial-of-service attack over the weekend, Niantic’s popular Nintendo-branded augmented reality game Pokemon Go has rolled out for an additional 2...

Okhlos is a rowdy, light-RTS/action game with an Ancient Greek theme and a heaping helping of chaos. You play as a little 8-bit philosopher, fed up with the whims of the gods and fighting mad. To that...

I always forget about Mobius Final Fantasy (previously Mevius) until I see a picture of its protagonist and go “ohh, the guy with the skimpy outfit.” It was so skimpy it app...

Leveling up isn’t something that happens to Pokemon in Pokemon Go– it only happens to you, the Trainer, and it’s the main thing that gates off features and mechanics in this game. Every...

Pokemon Go is everywhere — in your local park, at that bar down the street, in your bathroom, and er, between the sheets. And it seems like everyone is playing it — here in Brooklyn, I’ve hun...

Pokemon Go is a massive drain on phone batteries– when I’m playing, it’s not unusual for me to eat 30% of my battery on a decent walk around my neighborhood. Niantic’s previous game, Ingress, was also...

Time to Die Adventures is an awesome – and free – little dungeon crawler from creator thatwhichis. You can try the game right here for a little baddie-bashing, dungeon-exploring,...

Anomaly 1729 is a rad indie puzzle game from the folks at Anvil Drop. You can think of it as Portal-esque in concept — only, instead of shooting impossible holes in spacetime, you ro...

Here’s a factoid: Hironobu Sakaguchi, lead designer of the original Final Fantasy and design lead for many of the games that would follow under that title, is only 53. If he seems like a...

One of Fallout 4‘s most popular mods, Caliente’s Beautiful Bodies Enhancer (CBBE), will not be headed to consoles. That’s not because CBBE supports nude character mods — the author was m...

Hideo Kojima’s Death Stranding trailer was suitably weird — but it didn’t show a single frame of actual gameplay. Some believed that Norman Reedus’s appearance was a hint this was a continuat...

Bethesda’s E3 presser kicks off in less than an hour. We’re expecting to see several announcements, just like EA’s earlier today. Will we see more Dishonored 2, perhaps the next wave of F...

During the EA press conference earlier today in Los Angeles, one of EA’s several incredibly clean and shiny spokesmen (in this case: Patrick Soderlund) was already halfway through describing the new E...

In a new interview with Kotaku today, Blizzard game chief Tom Chilton expanded on comments by a Nostalrius server manager on the challenges of running official World of Warcraft legacy server...

I’ve played too much Overwatch and now my entire mind is melting.

Mercy is one of Overwatch‘s prime healers – a guardian angel who can still rain down death when she needs to. Zam’s Steven Strom shows off how to get sweet, sweet Mercy.

Genji is Overwatch‘s ninja-in-chief. Its CYBORG ninja-in-chief, with a range of techno-samurai weaponry. Zam’s Steven Strom shows off how to make Genji your main.