All ReadySet

The long-awaited Destiny 2 beta is live! Well, for some folks anyway. Regardless, this is the general public’s first firsthand look at a slice of Bungie’s upcoming sequel. For fans of the fir...

The rural Korean village of Gokseong has a problem. People are killing one another in frenzies of homicidal glee. They’re also growing rashes and boils all over their bodies, erupting in foul-mouthed...

I have often thought that the most important part of impressionism is not the subtle display of light that its most famous painters were known for, but instead the way motion rolls across the canvas....

The Zam team is divided on the cuteness factor of Pokemon Sun and Moon‘s three starter Pokemon — Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio — but it’s undeniable that the three’s recently-revealed...

Picking up trash in Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor is honestly not that bad. It’s entertaining, actually — which is a big departure from other games I’ve played which are about living in povert...

Everyone knows Shovel Knight, Yacht Club Games’ 2014 release that aped the style and design of NES games (updated for modern eyes and thumbs) to huge success. Which makes it a little strange, i...

The first three “levels” of Beglitched are extremely, deceptively easy.

Phoenix Wright and his Ace Attorney pals have solved thirty cases at this point, if you discount Edgeworth’s investigations, Wright’s dalliance with Professor Layton, and that one old-timey s...

Let’s get this out of the way: Landfall Games’ Clustertruck is a first-person platforming/bizarro-parkour game where the play area is made up of hundreds of of identical, bright-white, high-spe...

More than a month out from initial release and with service extended to nearly all major countries, Pokemon Go developer Niantic is finally turning its attention to its other bi...

Usually, if a press email includes a phrase like “a guy getting his eyeball actually punched out of his head,” that’s typically enough to pique my interest. In the case of Mother Russia Bleeds...

With certain videogames, staying up-to-date with the best strategies and gear can be just as useful as mastering the mechanics and controls. Often this concept of what is the best or most efficient in...

We’re all big fans of Overwatch here at Zam, which puts us in an exclusive minority of about 15 million players worldwide. But if you happen to have not heard about this niche t...

“To somebody who’s totally unfamiliar with anything we’ve made,” interjects Kevin “HotStuff” Simmons, “I would say it’s an adventure RPG that we like to think of a *Skyrim* with beans and big hats.”

On a recent episode of Radiolab, the linguist Guy Deutscher discussed teaching his daughter the names of different colors. He would point to different things in the world and say they were either gree...

I’m level 19 in Pokemon Go. At this point in the game, I have a few modestly powerful Pokemon, enough that I can start taking on some of the gyms in my city. As I discovered, though, gyms are...

Overwatch is a fun, colorful game, in part because it has a strong foundation in classical animation — especially Disney, Pixar, and Studio Ghibli. Those roots (pun??) could not be any cleare...

In honor of the Summer Olympics kicking off this Friday in Rio de Janeiro, Blizzard is rolling out a series of commemorative skins which showcase Overwatch‘s mighty heroes repping for their c...