merritt k
merritt k
merritt k is Content Manager at Fanbyte, covering Destiny 2 and other live games.

If you want to hit the highest Power levels in Destiny 2 for Trials of Osiris or the new Grandmaster Nightfalls, you’ll need to get Pinnacle drops. These engrams give you gear that lets...

Want some Destiny 2 Exotics from our good friend Xur? Head to the Hanger in the Tower, where you’ll find him up a staircase from the Dead Orbit area.

This week in Destiny 2, Guardians are donating heaps and heaps of Polarized Fractaline to the Empyrean Restoration effort. In other words, we’re gathering a resource and spending it to g...

So, I’ve been thinking. Destiny is a franchise about superpowered warriors fighting each other using magical powers that operate on arcane, complicated principles. And you know what...

Each week since Destiny 2 Shadowkeep’s launch, Eris Morn has offered us a Memory Pursuit quest. These tasks are tied to lost members of her former fireteam, and completing...

Destiny 2 players are evil. There, I said it. Bungie goes through the effort of crafting beautiful worlds and epic challenges for us, and what do we do? We laugh, and we take out a Raid...

I love the direction Destiny 2 is heading in. The core action has felt great forever, and with Bungie now expanding on the RPG elements of the game, there are more ways than ever to...

This week, you’ll find our main man (?) Xur on Nessus, standing on Calus’s barge. Does Calus know he’s there? Is he okay with it? Can he even do anything about it? Regardless.

A couple of weeks ago, I had to get a root canal. Contrary to everything I had been led to believe, it was not at all painful. It was, however, very boring. Or at least, it would have been had I not l...

This week, you’ll find Xur on the Tower. Head to the Hangar, then go up the stairs in the northwest corner of the area to find him lurking about.

Each week since Destiny 2 Shadowkeep’s launch, Eris Morn has offered us a Memory Pursuit quest. These tasks are tied to lost members of her former fireteam, and completing...

Izanagi’s Burden has quickly risen to become the most popular PVE weapon in Destiny 2 this season. It’s not that the gun itself has received any major buffs. Instead, the hit to Lun...

This week, you’ll find Xur on Calus’s Barge on Nessus. He basically just seems to move back and forth between there and the Tower lately, huh?

Right now, you can pay Bungie $20 to skip an alt to 900 Power. As others have pointed out, that’s a terrible deal. Getting an alt up to speed is easier than ever in Destiny 2 this s...

I finally finished a run of the Nightfall: The Ordeal on Master difficulty in Destiny 2 the other day. (Quick aside — Nightfall: The Ordeal is just a mess of a title.) It’s one of the ga...

This week, you’ll find Xur on the EDZ in the Winding Cove. He’s up on a ledge in the northernmost end of the area. Just keep climbing and you’ll hit a little encampment where he’s hiding out.

Want some Destiny 2 Exotics from our good friend Xur? Head to the Giant’s Scar on Io, where you’ll find him hanging out in a cave in the northwest edge of the area.

This week, you’ll find Xur on the EDZ once again. Drop in the Winding Cove then head to the northmost end of the area. Hop up the rocks and you’ll find the Agent of the Nine at a little camp overlooki...

This week, you’ll find Xur on Titan. Drop into The Rig area, then head east until you reach the part of the map where the edge rounds out. Xur is hiding in a little building on the far side of that ha...