merritt k
merritt k
merritt k is Content Manager at Fanbyte, covering Destiny 2 and other live games.

While Destiny 2 maintenance often goes by unnoticed, it’s become something of a running joke in the community at this point that “No downtime expected” often means that players shou...

Destiny 2 is a complicated game, being a live-service product that communicates extensively with Bungie’s servers and other players in the normal course of play. As a result, there...

Destiny 2’s Lightfall expansion has finally been released and there’s a ton of new content for players to sink their teeth into. Along with a new story, exotics, loot, endgame content, and a bu...

Destiny 2 has been putting out a large expansion annually, as well as roughly quarterly seasonal releases for the past few years. This year, we have the Lightfall e...

Pulse rifles in Destiny 2 are burst-firing weapons that have a lot of flexibility, falling somewhere between a scout rifle and an auto rifle. There are plenty to choose from, so here are o...

If you’re looking for a close-quarters crowd control weapon in Destiny 2, then you’re probably reaching for an SMG. There are plenty to choose from, so here are our picks for the 10 best P...

Fusion rifles are among the trickier weapons to learn in Destiny 2, requiring a moment to charge up before unleashing a flurry of bolts that can be difficult to aim. But used properly, the...

Auto rifles in Destiny 2 are, as the name implies, full-auto firing primary weapons that are great at crowd control. There are plenty to choose from, so here are our picks for the 10 best...

If you wanna be a cowboy, baby, then a hand cannon is probably your weapon of choice in Destiny 2. There are a lot to choose from, so here are our picks for the 10 best Destiny 2 <...

The Destiny 2 meta is in a very interesting place right now. A year ago, nobody would have guessed that auto rifles would dominate the Crucible or that a sword, of all things, would be the...

Added in the Witch Queen expansion to Destiny 2, Come to Pass is a high-impact Arc auto rifle associated with Savathun’s Throne World. Let’s take a look at some of the best...

Added in Destiny 2 Season of Defiance, Autumn Wind is a reprised rapid-fire frame kinetic pulse rifle. Is it worth using? What are some of its best perks? Let’s take a look.

Added in Destiny 2 Lightfall, Circular Logic is an adaptive frame Strand machine gun. Is it worth using? What are some of its best perks? Let’s take a look.

Ever since Shadowkeep, Destiny 2 players have had to contend with Champions. These extra-tough enemies have unique abilities that can only be shut down with particular sea...

There are many different Ghost Shells in Destiny 2. These range from the basic ones introduced around the time of the game’s launch to the more complex and extravagant. You mig...

Destiny 2 has many ships that range from the basic to extravagant. If you’re wondering which ships are the rarest, here’s a list for you.

Returning in Destiny 2 Season of Defiance, Hung Jury is a precision kinetic scout rifle. Is it worth using? What are some of its best rolls? Let’s take a look.

Machine guns in Destiny 2 have had their ups and downs, but as of this writing they’re in an ok spot — and they’ll likely be even better come Lightfall. There are...

Scout rifles Destiny 2 are single-shot precision weapons great for high-end content. There are plenty to choose from, so here are our picks for the 10 best PVE auto rifles in De...

There are a total of 18 different weapon types in Destiny 2, each with their own pros and cons depending on the situation. At any one time, certain weapon types may be more favored than...