Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker

So the original story of Final Fantasy XIV comes to a close. Endwalker was sold as the end of the Hydaelyn–Zodiark saga, and while you polished off both those figures early on in this expansion...

Occasionally in Final Fantasy XIV, you’ll come across a duty that’s a little more obtuse than the rest. Many require you simply to aim forward with weapons held high and skills at the ready. As...

Final Fantasy XIV never ceases to surprise. When Endwalker began its main story quest, some expected that Zodiark would be at the end of the line. Instead, you finished off Zodiark rel...

During the Live Letter from the Producer last week, Square Enix announced that Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker was delayed. The expansion was originally planned to launch on November 23, but has n...

If you’re a veteran player of Final Fantasy XIV, you probably forgot all about the Aether Currents in the time between expansions. These whirling orbs of wind dot the landscape in new maps, and...

It’s really happening, isn’t it? As we enter December, there’s a new holiday incoming, as Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker is set to release into early access on December 3. The rest get to join in...

If you’re a veteran player of Final Fantasy XIV, you probably forget all about the Aether Currents in-between expansions. These whirling orbs of wind dot the landscape in new maps, and only b...

What is a raid but a miserable pile of trials? But enough talk — it’s time for the final fight of Pandaemonium Asphodelos! While Final Fantasy XIV tends to look towards other Square En...

If Shadowbringers’ Amaurot showed us the end of one ancient civilization, then the sixth dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker ups the ante. Welcome to The Dead Ends. The Warrior of...

On February 5, the Final Fantasy XIV team held the 2021 Announcement Showcase. While many things were revealed (and thus many things made me get emotional), it was dedicated to revealing ...

Since taking up the mantle as Final Fantasy XIV‘s director and producer, there have been many difficult and busy moments in Naoki Yoshida’s life. More than once, he felt he was facing...

if you’re a veteran player of Final Fantasy XIV, you probably forget all about the Aether Currents in-between expansions. These whirling orbs of wind dot the landscape in new maps, and only b...

For a number of Final Fantasy XIV players, Glamour is the true endgame. They pour their heart and soul into making up new looks and outfit combinations. It’s a personal quest to l...

During the latest Live Letter from Producer, Final Fantasy XIV creative director Naoki Yoshida showed off some of the new mounts and minions that players can acquire in Patch 6.1. The patch,...

During the latest Live Letter From the Producer, Final Fantasy XIV creative director and lead producer Naoki Yoshida gave us a tiny look at the first leg of the Alliance Raid for End...

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker wasn’t just the end of the narrative of Hydaelyn and Zodiark, it was also the end of an aural adventure. FFXIV sound director Mas...

The story of Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi and Final Fantasy XIV is still unfinished. The father of the franchise first started playing the game in late Septembe...

Let’s be honest, Krile is the most useless primary member of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Tataru isn’t combat-ready, but she slings a mean coin and gets things done. Krile is around because of her...

In a sea of casual fun-lovers, there are progression raiders honing their craft in Final Fantasy XIV. They might cry out for more Extreme, Savage, and Ultimate content to clear, but they do e...

It seems that Square Enix will be offering players a chance to grab a new emote! You can’t have a pizza party without pizza and, apparently, can’t have pizza without this emote. (Not entirely true, as...