Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker

During one of the earlier Letter from the Producer Live streams for Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, creative director and lead producer Naoki Yoshida showed off new hairstyles coming for female V...

Welcome to the first Savage raid of the Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker patch cycle! You faced off against a mind-controlled, rage-filled Erichthonios in the standard version of this enco...

Nearly two weeks out from the launch of Endwalker, Final Fantasy XIV is still seeing login issues, lengthy queue times, and general server issues. The team at Square Enix has been wo...

As Final Fantasy XIV approaches the release of its fourth expansion, it’s in the best position it’s ever been. The critically acclaimed MMO has over 24 million players worldwide. It’s the most...

Let me preface this guide by saying: Whoever designed this fight hates the Party Finder and wants it consigned to Hell. With that said, welcome to the third Savage raid of the Final Fantasy XIV...

It’s time to take a walk on the aether side! Welcome to the fifth dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. You can think of this as The Antitower: Part 2. The Aitiascope sends the Warrior of...

Well, it feels pretty early for this, doesn’t it? The first Trial in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker pits the Warrior of Light against Zodiark himself. Hydaelyn’s opposite number, the result of sa...

Welcome to the second Savage raid of the Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker patch cycle! After breaking the chains of Erichthonios for a second time, you head to the sewers to...

The third dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker is definitely one that sets a tone, establishing that this is the beginning of the Final Days. Vanaspati is the name of the might...

It’s hard to find a home in Final Fantasy XIV. Plots cost a good bit of gil and go quick: quicker than the vast majority of players can snap them up. There’s a reason players refer to the entir...

The first post-launch addition to Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker is already here. We’re done with the maintenance period earlier than expected — servers were scheduled to be up and running by 2...

Let’s talk tanks. We got to take a look at a small section of the upcoming Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker expansion, including job changes and new regions. The frontline warriors of FFXIV ...

The latest Final Fantasy XIV Live Letter from the Producer stream focused on changes coming to all Jobs once FFXIV Endwalker launches, and it sure was dense. Here, we’re going to foc...

A little more than three months after the launch of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, the FFXIV team is finally ready to start talking about its ending openly. You can’t check the...

I was deeply enamored with the Sage when it was first revealed. The Job’s weapon, the mentally-controlled floating Nouliths, instantly recalled the Fin Funnels of the Gundam franchise. The concept of...

If you’re a veteran player of Final Fantasy XIV, you probably forget all about the Aether Currents in-between expansions. These whirling orbs of wind dot the landscape in new maps, and only by...

If you’re a veteran player of Final Fantasy XIV, you probably forget all about the Aether Currents in between expansions. These whirling orbs of wind dot the landscape in new maps, and only by...

Welcome to the first raid of the Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker patch cycle! Seeking answers about a mysterious crystal found in the aetherial sea, the Warrior of Light heads ba...

Truly, your expertise is needed to survive this MC Escher-esque dungeon. Welcome to the seventh dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker and one of the few required to unlock the Expert Duty R...

Healers of Final Fantasy XIV, you have some job changes you should be aware of, which were detailed in the latest Live Letter from the Producer stream. It focused on changes for all Jobs that...