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So the original story of Final Fantasy XIV comes to a close. Endwalker was sold as the end of the Hydaelyn–Zodiark saga, and while you polished off both those figures early on in this expansion...

Ridley Scott seems to have discovered the secret to making Jared Leto palatable: render him unrecognizable, make sure everything he says is incomprehensible, and limit his time on-screen to no more th...

As part of the many things revealed during the Live Letter for the Producer for Final Fantasy XIV, the development team detailed some Endwalker endgame content, including how Allagan...

Occasionally in Final Fantasy XIV, you’ll come across a duty that’s a little more obtuse than the rest. Many require you simply to aim forward with weapons held high and skills at the ready. As...

Much to the joy of many, one of the main features shown off in trailers and previews of Tales of Arise was fishing. What they don’t communicate, and what you’ll be shocked to know, is that you...

It’s time to ruin some relationships as Mario Party Superstars has finally released. Going back in time, this game brings together a collection of the best mini-games and maps from the N...

The next horrifying installment of the Resident Evil series has finally arrived. Continuing the story of Ethan Winters following the events of Resident Evil 7, Resident Evil Vil...

As you progress through the main story in Lost Judgment, an array of investigation set pieces will appear. These include first-person sequences where you search for clues or objects of interest...

Destiny 2 Season of the Splicer is here and it’s time to elevate your fashion game. Along with new weapons, a 6 player activity, armor, story missions, and season pass, the heavily reque...

Prior to watching the Minneapolis Street Fight, my longtime friend (and fellow lifelong wrestling fan) and I had not spoken in about a week. I wasn’t even sure if he was watching AEW’s Full Gear live....

FFXIV Wind Crystals are pretty important. Though they’re not as easy to come by as they are to lose. That’s because crystals, shards, and clusters of all elements are consumed by FFXIV

I don’t think I can do this. In one of the final battles, I’m forced to use every piece of equipment in my pockets in a desperate attempt to match the pace of this boss, and I’m failing. It’s a lot to...

Previously on NJPW’s G1 Climax 31: Ishii brought out the best of Kenta and ZSJ continued his tentacle monster hot streak.

My favorite anime are the ones where I sit down every week and gleefully scream “what the fuck is this?!” at the top of my lungs. The sheer number of shows being made every season means that there are...

I’ll be the first to admit it: I love Destiny lore. From the series’s beginning, I’ve loved digging deep into the fictional sandbox that Bungie’s writers have built. It’s a world where immortal...

Final Fantasy XIV never ceases to surprise. When Endwalker began its main story quest, some expected that Zodiark would be at the end of the line. Instead, you finished off Zodiark rel...

It’s time to ruin some relationships as Mario Party Superstars has finally released. Going back in time, this game brings together a collection of the best mini-games and maps from the N64 er...

PUBG Mobile Season 19 has bloomed. For the next two months, it’s less about Godzilla Vs Kong and more about insects, garbage, and the gardens they collect in. In preparation of the Microcosm...

Far Cry 6 is the latest installment in this long-running FPS franchise and it has you assuming the role of a guerrilla fighter in the totally fictional country of Cuba Ya...

For those of us who haven’t done a ton of gaming on the next generation consoles, it can still be a bit weird choosing which graphics mode to turn on. Should you prioritize performance for a smoother...