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Pokemon Go experienced a surge in player activity as a result of its recent Halloween event, so it makes sense that developer Niantic would seek to further incentivize players back to its hit...

Good news: Pokemon Go is having its first event, just in time for Halloween.

We could all do with a few more cute robots in our lives. Robots, after all, are the greatest thing ever, and stories where little lost robots try to track down their absentee creators, even moreso. I...

Gears of War 4 is out today, and it is every bit the polished, bro-y-but-inclusive action shooter that previous entries have been. Join us on our action-movie journey to beat The Swarm, as played by Z...

Outlast 2 may not release till 2017, but we’ve had a heck of a time playing through the demo version at PAX East earlier this year. Now you too can get a hands-on with this first-person horro...

David Gaider — he of Dragon Age fame — recently observed that most RPGs could rightly be called “home invasion simulators.” Dynamic Pixels’ Hello Neighbor isn’t an RPG, but...

Destiny‘s icy Rise of Iron expansion comes along with new, juicy exotic weapons to find and rain merry death and destruction upon one’s foes with. Zam’s Destiny expert Steven Strom shows off...

First teased earlier this month (with an extremely well-done animated reveal trailer), Taliyah the Stoneweaver is the newest champion to join League of Legends‘s ever-growing ranks of playabl...

Official information is starting to trickle out related to the next playable character in Riot’s popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA), League of Legends. Meet Ivern, the friendly tr...

Mechs vs Minions is a cute extension of the League of Legends brand into a physical play space. Designed for 2-4 people, it offers 10 “missions” with an expected playtime of 60-90 minutes, me...

You gotta hand it to League of Legends, it just takes a theme and runs with it. The previously released Star Guardian Lux skin now has a whole team of offbrand Sailor Scouts to call her own,...

Destiny‘s icy Rise of Iron expansion comes along with new, juicy exotic weapons to find and rain merry death and destruction upon one’s foes with. Zam’s Destiny expert Steve...