
Pokemon Go Halloween event incoming

Good news: Pokemon Go is having its first event, just in time for Halloween.

Bad news: it’s, er, kinda not that great.

Still, if you’re a Pokemon Go stalwart, here are the deets: from October 26th to November 4th, you can get 2x-4xmore candy from catching, transferring, walking, and hatching Pokemon. The encounter rate of several Pokemon will also go up for the duration of the event, including the Ghastly evolutionary line.

Here’s how it breaks down.

  • The following Pokemon will appear more frequently:
    • Zubat
    • Golbat
    • Gastly
    • Haunter
    • Gengar
    • Drowzee
    • Hypno
  • Candy rewards:
    • 2x candies for catching a Pokemon (6)
    • 2x candies for transferring a Pokemon to the Professor (2)
    • 4x candies per milestone for buddied Pokemon (4)
    • 2x candies per hatched Pokemon (total number can vary)

While no one sounds happy at the prospect of more Zubat, personally, I’m still hurting for a Haunter and Gengar, so this isn’t totally a raw deal. The extra candies for walking Pokemon is also a welcomed boost, especially if you’re still trying to evolve that Gyarados (godspeed).

The event kicks off on October 26th for Pokemon Go on iOS and Android devices.

(h/t The Pokemon Company.)

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