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Destiny 2’s Season of the Drifter kicked off this morning alongside an all-new patch! Regardless of whether or not you have the Annual Pass, there’s a ton of balance changes, new features, an...

If you haven’t fired up the Fortnite Creative mode yet, then you’re missing out. Epic Games’ sandbox mode lets players explore each others’ islands, build their own deathmatch level...

The Twilight Zone is back, under the leadership of Get Out and Us writer–director Jordan Peele. The series’ premiere episode a...

Getting tired of Drafting or playing Standard on MTG Arena? Do you like to build unique, creative decks that reflect your personality? Lucky for you, the singleton Brawl format has officially...

It’s been almost a full year since Altered Forme Giratina first sat atop raid gyms in Pokemon GO. Many of us are sat around waiting for that eventual Pokemon Diamond / Pearl / Platinum

Your success in Ring of Elysium can very much depend on where you drop into the game. That means choosing a starting position can be a bit tricky. If you hope to be anything like an important...

Fortnite or PUBG not cutting it for you? Want to spend some time with a different kind of battle royale? Ring of Elysium, another title developed and published by Tencent, t...

Let’s get this out of the way: Landfall Games’ Clustertruck is a first-person platforming/bizarro-parkour game where the play area is made up of hundreds of of identical, bright-white, high-spe...

Destiny 2: Season of the Drifter promises quite a lot of new content. And, just like anytime there’s a new Destiny expansion, it’s very exciting to pick apart all the possibilities...

More than a month out from initial release and with service extended to nearly all major countries, Pokemon Go developer Niantic is finally turning its attention to its other bi...

Hey guardians! Wondering what’s up in Destiny 2 this week? Well, ol’ Drifter’s got the details for you. Spring is in full swing and Saladin’s back for some Iron Banner, but the...

I really, truly cannot stress enough how excited I was for Detective Pikachu. The first trailer was released just days after I’d had major surgery, and it sent me into a giddy haze. I immediate...

Ah, it’s time for Destiny 2 Crimson Days. Love is in the air and it’s that special time of year where superficial gifts are bought the world over to show that special someone just how much yo...

Like any MMORPG, Final Fantasy XIV offers its players a gluttonous buffet of ways to kill time. The best dish on offer, by far its flashiest and most engaging content, exists in instanced coope...

As you journey through the haunted halls of Luigi’s Mansion 3 you’ll come across comical amounts of money just laying around. While gold coins and bars are easy enough to locate, the real pri...

If you’ve put more than a few hours into The Division 2, then you’ve probably found faction-specific chests, known as faction caches. These snazzy chests appear both in the open world and dur...

With Destiny 2 Shadowkeep now out, soon focus will shift to the return of Iron Banner. As mentioned in this week’s TWAB, Bungie is changing how Iron Banner works in respect to earning the arm...

Usually, if a press email includes a phrase like “a guy getting his eyeball actually punched out of his head,” that’s typically enough to pique my interest. In the case of Mother Russia Bleeds...

Weapon mods in The Division 2 have been significantly overhauled. In the series’ debut, mods were heavily randomized, often providing bonuses for magazine size, critical hit chance, optimal r...

No matter how you cut it, I am a professional sitter. Both of my jobs require an ass planted in front of a screen for a length of time that hurts to admit. I try to periodically walk around and stretc...