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Ever since Microsoft introduced their Gamerscore system in 2005, it’s been increasingly rare for games to ship without achievements or trophies, and today there are countless websites for tracking and...

There are a lot of easter eggs, secrets, and hidden items scattered throughout the world of The Last of Us Part 2. Even though you can stumble across some items, others will require you to go...

The Star Trek franchise is currently in the throes of an aggressive expansion, with plans to juggle as many as six ongoing series at a time to keep fans subscribed to CBS All Access all year ro...

It seems like no matter where Cloud goes there are always random townsfolk waiting to give him busywork in Final Fantasy 7 Remake. The Wall Market is no different, as you’ll need to kill time...

After tons of delays, Cyberpunk 2077’s dystopian world has finally arrived. In this RPG, players assume the role of V as they make their way through the neon-drenched streets of Nig...

We’ll be honest with you. There are lots of ways to make bells in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Some are obviously better than others and while we’ll certainly touch on them, there’s one met...

If you want to survive this world overrun by evil farming machines then you will need to find the Mechanic Station so you can craft better gear. In Scrap Mechanic, you will need to restore po...

Do you like Tinder? Do you like video games? Do you like politics? If you answered yes to at least two of these questions you should know that there’s a whole emerging game genre that mixes the playfu...

I didn’t partake in last year’s Solstice of Heroes: the annual Destiny 2 event where players complete unique objectives for cool, glowing armor. It sounds like it was a bit of a bummer. The c...

It’s the spookiest time of the year and developer Infinity Ward is trying to get Call of Duty players in the mood to terrifying their opponents. Following an update released today, two new sk...

Forget our 60fps PUBG Mobile guide: that’s old news and even older tech. Last year, Qualcomm centered their yearly product launch around the extreme refresh rates newer phones would be able t...

You never know what Warframe tips might end up saving your shiny, wet behind. The action-driven loot game is constantly evolving, adding new stuff, and stripping away old junk! That’s why we’...

Great news, villagers! Animal Crossing is back! With Animal Crossing: New Horizons it’s time, once again, to gather materials, build your house, and learn the ins...

In the first localization blog for Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town, XSEED Games has announced that the western version of the game will let you have a same-sex marriage. This will b...

Back in May, Twitter user and daily Animal Crossing player @1c3b3rgmama appealed to New Horizons’ feng shui by placing four pop-eyed goldfish in the corners o...

When you first reach the Isle of Armor in the new Pokemon Sword and Shield expansion, two towers stand above all else in the region. They become accessible toward the middle of the Isle o...

This week finds many of us quarantined in our homes, stuck inside with our anxieties for company while cable news and social media whisper alternating streams of apocalyptic nihilism and blustering de...

Industries of Titan just recently rolled out into early access, at least on the Epic Games Store — those on Steam will need to wait until 2021. Despite the fact that the game isn’t complete,...

I’m still picking away at Animal Crossing: New Horizons every so often. I’m not, nor will I ever, aim to be a person who can utilize all the game’s tools to create things as elaborate as...

Destiny 2 offers players dozens of powerful Exotic weapons to play around with. These rare guns feature perks that make them stand out from their more mundane brethren, letting guardians...