Final Fantasy XIV Guides

Final Fantasy XIV has a good variety of jobs to play for each role and when it comes to tank options, Warrior stands out as a simple but useful job.

There are those to stand on the front lines in Final Fantasy XIV. Those who lead the way in dungeons and raids, even if they may not know what they’re doing. If you want to protect the healers...

Not every situation in Eorzea should be solved with powerful spells or advanced sword techniques. Actually, players can use flamethrowers, bombs, and a mech, punching enemies while playing Machinist i...

A staple class in the Final Fantasy series and one of the original jobs of Final Fantasy XIV, the high-flying Dragoon has one sole focus — dealing damage. Dragoon, alongsi...

On the surface, the idea of a simple Samurai roaming a majestically magical setting alongside leaping Dragoons and fire-conjuring Black Mages may seem out of place. However, the Samurai job in

In Final Fantasy XIV, the Monk job has been through considerable changes since the beginning of the game, but it’s still a strong and complex job to play.

Nothing screams Final Fantasy like invoking powerful summons. From the hellish Ifrit to the majestic Bahamut, these figures become important icons for the series. In Final Fantasy...

One of the most iconic characters in the Final Fantasy series, the Black Mage is a simple but extremely powerful job in Final Fantasy XIV. Originating in the Fifth Astral Era, the use of...

Ninja is the double-dagger-wielding job in Final Fantasy XIV capable of not only causing a lot of damage but doing so with style. With a skill for each possible situation in the game,...

The playerbase in Final Fantasy XIV loves to show off their characters, and one of the easiest ways to go about that is to set up an Adventurer Plate. You can view any character’s pla...

Knowing the ins and outs of a job's complete kit of attacks and abilities is vital for succeeding in Final Fantasy XIV. The journey to mastering said job, whether playing PvE content...

Hotbar MMOs are notorious for the surprising number of hotkeys and buttons required to play them effectively, and Final Fantasy XIV is no exception. Multiply the impressive number of uniqu...

If you’re deep into Final Fantasy XIV, then you’re probably always leveling. Once you’ve maxed out one Job by doing the main scenario, it’s time to start anew on your second or third Job. While...

In Final Fantasy XIV, there’s built-in system of raid markers known as Waymarks which allow you to plot out and plan Trials, raids, and other encounters. But without knowing the shortcuts and t...

Limit Breaks are a Final Fantasy series staple, first appearing in Final Fantasy VII before becoming a core part of the games following. In Final Fantasy XIV, Limit Breaks are hig...

The crafting and gathering jobs of Final Fantasy XIV, known as Disciples of the Hand and Land, are responsible for fueling the game's player-driven market boards. However, the materials or reci...

There are many ways for players to hoard riches in Final Fantasy XIV, with most methods centering around selling items on the market boards. While market prices can fluctuate, there's...

Final Fantasy XIV is no stranger to cross-overs, and Warriors of Light have met the likes of Monster Hunter's Rathalos and characters of Yo-kai Watch. ...

Final Fantasy XIV's newest Moogle Treasure Trove event is still going strong, and with the start of a new week comes new challenges to complete. This week, players have the option to try and de...

There’s a point in each Warrior of Light’s journey in Final Fantasy XIV that they will choose an allegiance to one of three Grand Companies. Holding rank with your choice of the Order...