Mike Williams
Mike Williams

Under the firmament of Eorzea, there is a race of humanoid creatures that shape the earth. These miners are generally peaceful, but the Primal Titan has brought them into conflict with the Eorzean All...

Let’s turn back the clock a bit. While everyone is living in Endwalker, there are still a ton of great quests to complete and items to unlock. The Pixie Tribe is one of the first Tribes that...

It seems that the Marvel machine is heading to… Hollywood? According to a report by The Hollywood Reporter, Marvel Studios is developing a Wonder Man series for Disney+.

With the release of Patch 6.3, Final Fantasy XIV mount hunters have even more things to collect. You may have seen some players riding around on a giant golden ape and wondered, “What mount is...

A few weeks ago, the FFXIV team announced the winners of the Weapon Design Contest. The contest kicked off in August of last year, with players able to add their designs on given...

If you’re at the top of your game in Final Fantasy XIV, there’s a whole lot of gear available to you. A great static group can dive into Savage and Ultimate raids and hammer at them until the...

Final Fantasy XIV has moved from a poor release for Square Enix over a decade ago to one of the major titles keeping the entire publisher afloat. The company released its financia...

After some research and consideration, it’s time to head into the next level of Pandaemonium, dubbed Abyssos, the latest eight-player raids in Final Fantasy XIV. At the end of Asphodelos, a b...

This morning marked the latest Live Letter from the Producer livestream, focused on giving players the inside information for what’s coming to Final Fantasy XIV. As always, lead producer and cr...

There’s never enough space in Final Fantasy XIV. The MMO continues to be popular, bringing in new players, while the existing community also expands to fill the space. There are still queues on...

Do you remember Final Fantasy XIV’s Hard dungeons? The concept started back in A Realm Reborn, where they were remixed versions of leveling dungeons with slightly-harder mechanics an...

It’s clear that Crystalline Conflict has been a huge win for Final Fantasy XIV PVP. Modes with larger player counts like Frontline and Rival Wings couldn’t boast the same hea...

It’s time for farm the light itself! This guide will cover the Nexus Zodiac Weapons, the sixth upgrade of the weapons introduced in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. The journey has several...

One of the best parts of Final Fantasy XIV is the ability to draw on the past of the franchise. For example, a lot of Endwalker’s main scenario and post-launch story involves character...

The Moogle Treasure Trove returns to Final Fantasy XIV. This new iteration of the event will run all the way up to the launch of Patch 6.2, which is coming someti...

The hardest part is technically behind you! This guide will cover the Novus Zodiac Weapons, the fifth phase of the weapons introduced in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. The journey has sev...

Yesterday, the winners were separated from the losers once again. Final Fantasy XIV’s housing lottery dropped its results, with players needing to claim their plots by June...

If you’re leveling up a new Job in Final Fantasy XIV, you’ll have to make your way through this level range. Levels 50 to 60 were added in the Heavensward expansion, alongside a few...

Rhalgr, the Destroyer. Thaliak, the Scholar. Nald’thal, the Traders. The Twelve loom large over the background of Final Fantasy XIV. They are the patron deities of whole cities like Old Sharl...

The dense forests of the Black Shroud hide all manner of beasts that threaten Gridania and its surrounding towns. At a dig site, the Warrior of Light will find something much worse, however. Here lies...