Mike Williams
Mike Williams

For years, Capcom has dangled the carrot of a Darkstalkers revival in front of fans. The last time they stoked that fire was during the 2013 release of Darkstalkers Resurrection. Back th...

So, you’ve decided to begin your Relic Weapon journey in Final Fantasy XIV. Whether your motivation is glamour or simple completion, we applaud your desire to acquire these weapons. This will...

Step one is down and now it’s time for the second phase of your journey. This guide will cover the Zenith Zodiac Weapons, the second iteration of the weapons introduced in Final Fantasy XIV: A Rea...

The third phase of the long Zodiac Relic Weapon quest lies ahead. This guide will cover the Atma Zodiac Weapons, the third version of the weapons introduced in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

Congratulations! This is the final part of the Zodiac Weapons quest. This guide will cover the Zeta Zodiac Weapons, the final form of the weapons introduced in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

Mr. Final Fantasy himself is taking a crack at the hardest content that Final Fantasy XIV has to offer. Earlier this morning, Hironobu Sakaguchi, director of multiple entries sinc...

Update: This Ultimate encounter has finally been cleared!

This last week and stretching into the weekend, a number of free companies and raid groups were slamming their heads against the latest raid. Patch 6.11 saw the launch of Dragonsong’s Repr...

The way you experience Final Fantasy XIV is based largely on your perspective. The game’s camera is usually third-person, meaning it’s behind your character and following them through th...

Part of glamour being the real endgame is having cool new weapons to complement our swank outfits. A lot of player effort is purely spent on gear acquisition, running raids and dungeons...

For a number of Final Fantasy XIV players, Glamour is the true endgame. They pour their heart and soul into making up new looks and outfit combinations. It’s a personal quest to l...

Patch 6.1 is finally live for Final Fantasy XIV. Many players were looking forward to the new Alliance Raid, the new story content, or the additional dungeon. Perhaps you were excited or dism...

Patch 6.1 is almost here, but certain elements coming in the patch are experiencing a bit of a backlash. One of those elements is the new set of Hrothgar hairstyles. While Final Fantas...

Final Fantasy XIV is adding things so often that we sometimes don’t notice the stuff that’s going away. Soon, Cape Westwind will no longer be poor Rhitahtyn getting his face...

I remember the desperate scramble to get the Garo PVP gear in Final Fantasy XIV the first time around. As a fan of tokusatsu in general, and many of the Garo shows, I was hy...

During the latest Live Letter from Producer, Final Fantasy XIV creative director Naoki Yoshida showed off some of the new mounts and minions that players can acquire in Patch 6.1. The patch,...

During the latest Live Letter From the Producer, Final Fantasy XIV creative director and lead producer Naoki Yoshida gave us a tiny look at the first leg of the Alliance Raid for End...

At the end of an excellent story, it can feel like a creative team had everything planned out from the beginning. In reality, especially on long-form stories told over the course of many years, everyt...

Back in 2020, NHK ran a huge poll for all things Final Fantasy. A total of 468,654 votes were cast on surveys asking players about their favorite games in the series, favor...

Last month, Square Enix announced that players who enjoy FFXIV on PC via Steam would need to link to their Square Enix accounts. The move was made to “enhance account security” ac...