For a show about angst-ridden, volatile teenagers piloting enormous cyborgs through a series of cataclysmic battles, Neon Genesis Evangelion is remarkably calm. Sure, the series occasionally er...

I met my first best friend in a video game. When I was in kindergarten, I came across Animal Crossing for the Gamecube during me and my dad’s weekly trip to the now ancient ruins known as Block...

Sonic loves chili dogs. This is a fact, a truth so undeniable that it should be used as an expression to measure the truth of other statements: Do you want $100? “Does Sonic love chili dogs?” <...

When I was in middle school, a substitute teacher confiscated a student’s Game Boy after catching him playing it in class. The kid got it back at the end of the day, but he noticed a terrible change:...

Editor’s Note: This piece was written collaboratively by Eric McAdams and Thomas Loughney.

Move over Drifter, there’s a new morally grey, sexually dangerous antihero in town, and his name is Emperor Calus.

Jordan Murphy likely wouldn’t strike you as the kind of person who heads an intricate online intelligence program. The 29-year-old British actor is soft spoken with a dry wit, sharing figures and pers...

Wrestling fans are, generally speaking, a thirsty people. The way some of y’all talk about this great sport, this legitimate athletic endeavor where it generally behooves a competitor to be smooth, oi...

I was pretty sure I was going to dig Outer Wilds, Mobius Digital’s impressive space exploration/puzzle adventure. My recent coworker Austin Walker recommended it highly, as one of those speci...

If you had a Dreamcast, you owned Power Stone. It’s as simple as that. Capcom’s 1999 arcade port presented players with a range of whimsical characters and set them loose in 3D arenas un...

Listen, I love Yuri!!! On ICE. Sayo Yamamoto is one of the single most talented directors working in anime right now, and literally anything that gets her more attention is something I can get...

There are plenty of guides out there to tell you how to beat the many bosses of Dark Souls in the most efficient way possible, and everybody has an opinion about which one of those fights is...

They’re creepy and they’re kooky, mysterious and spooky… It’s another FangByte article! Welcome to our autumnal crop of Halloween themed Fanbyte fun (that we like to call FangByte). Each day...

The first time I played Stardew Valley, I made it one whole in-game day before needing to look something up. I wanted to buy some seeds with my tiny starting allowance, but couldn’t figure out...

Back in 2017, two Square Enix games vied for my personal favorite soundtracks of the year. NieR: Automata had incredible, haunting, driving tracks to establish its war ravaged world. Whereas...

“Ugh, I want a rematch now,” my character mutters as he emerges from a mystical pool of blood. He’s just arrived back at the lowest chamber of the underworld. Again. I couldn’t agree with him m...

Everyone’s favorite dog-loving, Matrix-thwarting, time-traveling movie star Keanu Reeves is back in the press thanks to John Wick 3. He’s been especially talkative this go ‘round, reminding us...

I remember exactly where I was when I first heard about Gamer Goo. I was at home, tweeting about Gamer Goo.

Ever since Fallout 76 first released in beta, controversy has never been far away. From self-deleting game files to nylon bags and accessible dev rooms, the game quickly became the internet’s p...