Super Smash Bros Ultimate

Anyone who’s played enough indie games in the last six years has likely encountered Shovel Knight in some form or fashion. Maybe they shot the breeze with him in Yooka-Laylee. Perhaps...

Smash Ultimate is mostly comprised of characters that appeared in previous games in the series. But there are a few exceptions. One of the most notable is Joker, who makes the leap from&...

Smash Ultimate sure does give the Pokemon series a lot of love. Not only are tons of the pocket monsters represented via Poke Balls, but many of the more famous (and more humano...

Sure, Smash Ultimate. Why not? If we can have custom characters like Robin and the Pokemon Trainer in this massive crossover series, why not a Mii or three? The somewhat dead-eyed charac...

Smash Ultimate isn’t a franchise that shies away from classic characters. Although for some, Lucario might still need some introduction. The very popular Pokemon is a mainstay of its hom...

Smash Ultimate has no shortage of Pokemon among its ranks. Many of these were relegated to “summons” with the Poke Ball or come with the Pokemon Trainer fighter. A few, however, got thei...

Smash Ultimate is a true celebration of Nintendo history (and sometimes just Nintendo adjacent history). It’s gotten rave reviews from fans and critics alike. But that won’t help you...

Smash Ultimate is finally within our grasp. It’s been far too long since the series’ last entry, but Super Smash Bros. is back and exclusive to Nintendo’s newest console, the Ni...

Smash Ultimate couldn’t just fill up its roster with heroes. There are far, far too many interesting villains in the Nintendo catalog to do that. Ganondorf is one such baddie. The villainous...

Smash Ultimate has quite a lot to offer for friends of every Nintendo franchise… whether we like it or not. Yes, it’s time to talk about Wario: the farting, garlic-loving, con artist equ...

Smash Ultimate certainly loves its roster of classic Nintendo characters. Some of them were made by the publisher itself, while others are usually just associated with Nintendo consoles....

There’s quite a lot to love about Smash Ultimate — the nostalgic platform fighter from Nintendo is stuffed with single-player modes and nearly endless multiplayer options. That’s no...

Smash Ultimate will be a lot of players’ first introduction to some of Nintendo’s most obscure games. While Kid Icarus isn’t the most difficult game to recognize,...

Smash Ultimate is already set to receive a glut of DLC characters in the future. We know that Joker, the protagonist of Persona 5, is schedule to release down the line. But earl...

Not every Fire Emblem fighter in Smash Ultimate just carries a sword into battle (even though most of them do). One hero in particular stands out among the rest...

Smash Ultimate is a family affair. What more proof do you need of that fact than the inclusion of Bowser Jr., the mysterious offspring of King Koopa himself? Bowser Jr. has followed in his fa...

Smash Ultimate recognizes a crowd-pleaser when it sees one. Everyone has their own favorite Final Fantasy, of course, but fans who grew up in the late 90s will always remember C...

Smash Ultimate is here at last. It’s been more than four years since the series’ last full entry, but Super Smash Bros. is back and now exclusive to Nintendo’s newest console, t...

Smash Ultimate is mostly comprised of characters that appeared in previous games in the series. But there are a few exceptions. One of the most notable is Incineroar, who just feels cust...

Smash Ultimate just kind of gave up at a certain point (in the best way possible). “Duck Hunt” is not a character. It’s the name of a video game that features a cartoon dog and cartoon d...