E3 2019

My first E3 has come and gone and I am ready to die. Before I do, though, I thought I’d let you know about some of the games I saw that may have flown under your radar.

The original Dragon Quest Builders was a surprising success. The game managed to blend the charm and style of the classic RPGs with… Minecraft. The two flavors had no reason to work...

Sometimes, dear reader, dreams do come true. Earlier this week, Konami shocked everyone in the whole world (read: me) by announcing the Turbografx-16 mini, a microconsole version of Hudson So...

Happy Friday! The entire crew is in the house for E3 and we had a blast talking Stadia, Destiny 2, and Wooloo. Join us over the next week for extensive EA Play and E3 2019 coverage.

Keanu. Do we need to say more? Without Sony by its side, Microsoft swung for the fences this year. It delivered a much anticipated look at Cyberpunk 2077, a confirmation of Project Scarlett f...