Animal Crossing

Ian McGreevy just wanted to create some nice paths. It was 2013, and Animal Crossing: New Leaf fans were devouring the latest entry in Nintendo’s cozy simulation series. McGreevy couldn’t put i...

Great news, villagers! Animal Crossing is back! With Animal Crossing: New Horizons it’s time, once again, to gather materials, build your house, and learn the ins...

In keeping with centuries-old tradition, Animal Crossing: New Horizons features an economics mini-game known as the Sow Jones Stalk Market, wherein turnips are bought and sold in the pursuit...

Great news, villagers! Animal Crossing is back! With Animal Crossing: New Horizons it’s time, once again, to gather materials, build your house, and learn the ins and...

Grab your shotgun and get the hell out there. Island’s haunted. Okay, maybe don’t get a gun but the island is legitimately haunted. There’s a ghost named Wisp who roams your Animal Crossing: New H...

Great news, villagers! Animal Crossing is back! With Animal Crossing: New Horizons it’s time, once again, to gather materials, build your house, and learn the ins and...

Animal Crossing might be a super relaxing game, but that doesn’t stop it from obscuring some important things that you’d have no way of knowing otherwise. Thankfully, they aren’t super hard t...

Even though most of us (who aren’t playing with time manipulation, that is) are only on day four of our Animal Crossing: New Horizons adventures, there’s a cool secret to mini...

Great news, villagers! Animal Crossing is back! With Animal Crossing: New Horizons it’s time, once again, to gather materials, build your house, and learn the ins and outs of the gam...

The latest Animal Crossing: New Horizons Nintendo Direct delivered almost 30 minutes of exciting information, making it the biggest Direct for the game yet. It makes sense; the highly anticip...

Throughout the years, Animal Crossing has brought together nearly 500 villagers from across the animal kingdom. The player’s sleepy little village hosts all sorts of different species up and...

For most of us, Animal Crossing represents a much-needed escape from our fast-paced day to day lives. In Nintendo’s idyllic series, we can take a relaxing stroll through a digital neighbourhood...

I met my first best friend in a video game. When I was in kindergarten, I came across Animal Crossing for the Gamecube during me and my dad’s weekly trip to the now ancient ruins known as Block...

What follows is a list of nine frogs from various video game properties, unrestricted by time, genre, or other arbitrary factors. These are simply nine frogs of exceptional merit, who are worthy of yo...

Ever since Fallout 76 first released in beta, controversy has never been far away. From self-deleting game files to nylon bags and accessible dev rooms, the game quickly became the internet’s p...

A few weeks ago, Build-A-Bear announced a new collaborative line in its licensed oeuvre: Animal Crossing. The initial set was going to include bundles for Isabelle and Tom Nook, the anim...

Animal Crossing is making the leap that Pokemon and Mario made before it and collaborating with the Build-A-Bear Workshop, a chain retail location where people of any a...

Animal Crossing: New Horizons’ next major update is here and it’s introducing the world of fine art into this colorful, adorable game. Along with Leif. players will be able to interact with R...

John sat down with Hard Times’ founder and CEO Matt Saincome to discuss Animal Crossing, covid-19’s effects on the live music industry, and Saincome’s freelance payment platform OutVoice...