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Our tips for The Outer Worlds have been handcrafted and slow roasted in the content mines for your enjoyment! We’ve got everything a growing, indentured, and possibly rebellious space co...

Vapor. Steam. Something something blowing smoke. Facing heat. Look, I just want to get all these puns out of the way from the get-go so I’m not tempted later on.

Catherine: Full Body doesn’t just tack its new character into the story willy nilly. The re-release incorporates Rin, a new third love interest for protagonist Vincent, right off the bat. Rin...

Move over Drifter, there’s a new morally grey, sexually dangerous antihero in town, and his name is Emperor Calus.

Oxygen Not Included tips the scales against you in a variety of ways. That’s thanks to its multitude of systems constructed by Klei. From oxygen to power, and temperatures to germs, learning...

Jordan Murphy likely wouldn’t strike you as the kind of person who heads an intricate online intelligence program. The 29-year-old British actor is soft spoken with a dry wit, sharing figures and pers...

The first ever piece of exotic armor in Division 2 is a holster called the Dodge City Gunslinger, added in Title Update 4. But before you’re ready to stick it on your hip, you’ll first have t...

A moment of silence, please, for the Menagerie chest glitch in Destiny 2. We all knew it was on its way out, but it still hurts. That said, I’ve already got a Rampage/Snapshot Austringer...

Grendel is the newest Warframe coming to, well, Warframe. This large and powerful war machine was officially named and announced at TennoCon 2019 — alongside another character called Gauss. A...

The most important part of any new Pokemon game is, well, the Pokemon themselves, and Pokémon Sword and Shield is no exception. There are 400 pocket monsters to collect in the G...

Not everyone in Smash Ultimate is the hero of their own story. Captain Olimar, the de facto protagonist of the first two Pikmin games, isn’t even the most iconic character in hi...

In the upcoming Pokémon Sword and Shield games, we already know you can summon giant versions of some Pokémon. But you didn’t think they’d do giant forms of Pokémon and&nbs...

Welcome back to The Vainguard, a Destiny 2 fashion column where I ask for pics and you send them to me. There was no theme this week — I just wanted to check in on your Guardians in...

I played Fallout 3 on PC. For New Vegas I was on Xbox. Same for Fallout 4. But for Fallout 76 I’ve returned to PC. Despite playing on the platform before was I utte...

Disco Elysium can be dark, beautiful, grimy, and entertaining all at the same time. But it’s also very stressful. One wrong move can put you in a world of hurt — closing off cer...

Smash Ultimate has been a real crowd-pleaser so far, for both longtime series fans and critics alike. The enormous celebration of decades of Nintendo history (and often just Nintendo adjacent...

Smash Ultimate needs its fair share of powerful primates. Sorry, but those are the rules. This time, we’ve got both Donkey Kong and his diminutive sidekick, Diddy. He is, as you can prob...

Put away the energy drinks and caffeinated sodas. It’s time to play with a more mature palate. Meats, cheeses, and even Girl Scout cookies can be paired with a variety of alcohol, so why not video gam...

Thanks to the timing of the Destiny 2 launch, Bungie skipped the annual Halloween event, Festival of the Lost, in 2017. It did make a return last year with masks, Eververse armor, and the Hor...

Smash Ultimate is finally here. The celebration of everything Nintendo (and Nintendo adjacent) has launched to a very warm reception, too. But fans will likely need weeks just to unlock...