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If you’re new to Warframe, you may have seen a frame dashing around from enemy to enemy, eliminating each with a melee execution. As someone who’s fully leveled Ash Prime, I can attest that t...

For a show about angst-ridden, volatile teenagers piloting enormous cyborgs through a series of cataclysmic battles, Neon Genesis Evangelion is remarkably calm. Sure, the series occasionally er...

Pokemon GO is singing in the rain with its latest event. It’s Water Festival 2019 time! Last year’s iteration of the famous water festival event brought double candy and stardust for egg hatc...

If you’re moseying around in Red Dead Online, Red Dead Redemption 2‘s open-world multiplayer mode, you may encounter some unfriendly cowpokes who mean to do you harm. Some rascally v...

The most important part of any new Pokemon game is, well, the Pokemon themselves, and Pokemon Sword and Shield is no exception. There are 400 pocket monsters...

Smash Ultimate doesn’t just pick its characters from worldwide hits. A few of its fighters are from series that haven’t seen the light of day in some time. That’s just fine, though. ...

Mei’s Snowball Offensive is back for Winter Wonderland 2018. This mode is a lot more divisive than some of Overwatch‘s other unique arcade modes, because it’s a difficult test of your ai...

Cute is out. Horrifying realism is in.

This week in Destiny 2, Guardians are celebrating their triumphs with the Solstice of Heroes. And speaking of triumphs, last week I completed Crown of Sorrows, Scourge of the Past, and L...

Video game mascots jump like fish breathe water. Or… something like that, anyway. Embedded above you is the first episode of Tinker. And it’s a doozy! Tinker is an examination of game me...

No Man’s Sky: Beyond represents another significant step for the Hello Games title. Unfortunately you may not be surprised to know that there are a ton of game breaking bugs at the moment. So...

Smash Ultimate shows that sometimes you don’t need to mess with a good thing. The game is a lot like a revamped and improved version of Super Smash Bros. Wii U, for instance, an...

Not one, but two quests have come out of Destiny 2: Black Armory’s Mysterious Box quest. When you finally open the Mysterious Box and get the quest for the Izanagi’s Burden sniper rifle, you...

Smash Ultimate doesn’t just have an officially license Nintendo character with an arm cannon. It has Mega Man, the blue bomber himself, to round out the limb-based cannon club. Joking as...

In a news post today, Bungie announced that the Destiny 2 Solstice of Heroes event will be launching on July 30th and run until August 27th. The event returns from last summer, but with...

Final Fantasy 14 is humming along nicely with its third expansion, Shadowbringers. The reviews are in and they are very positive — mostly calling this the best exp...

In middle school I read the manga adaptation of Koushun Takami’s Battle Royale. I wasn’t old enough to read it, but when you’re a teenager, getting away with things you’re not supposed to is...

Smash Ultimate doesn’t just focus on characters that had their own games. R.O.B., or the “Robot Operating Buddy,” was originally an accessory for the Nintendo Entertainment System. He wa...

Smash Ultimate brings a little something for everyone. The game is full to burst with single-player modes, multiplayer options, new characters, returning favorites, and secrets we haven’...

Smash Ultimate seems like a real crowd-pleaser so far. The enormous celebration of all things Nintendo (and sometimes just Nintendo adjacent) has gotten rave reviews. But there’s an equally m...