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Chucklefish’s new turn-based tactics game Wargroove is a simple-to-learn yet deep take on the genre — it’s also overwhelmingly cute. From skeletons to vampires, each unit...

Happy Thanksgiving! Tired of turkey and stuffing yet? How about something a little bit more… gaming flavored? I’ve gathered up 10 gaming recipes for you to try out now! From full meals to desserts, th...

The Destiny 2 Solstice of Heroes event returns this summer before the arrival of Shadowkeep. It’s the Season of Opulence which pretty much perfectly aligns with what we’ve come to expect. Thu...

Are you tired of being stuck on the ground in Monster Hunter: World? Wish you could fly through the sky like Rathalos and rain down pain from the heavens like Bazelgeuse? Or maybe you just wa...

Monster Hunter: World – Iceborne has plenty of new features to keep even veteran players busy for months to come. One of the most convenient is the Monster Hunter Steamworks. This ne...

While working through the main story of Monster Hunter: World, you’ll come across a variety of different beasts you’ll need to take down. Legiana is one such monster and may be difficult to t...

Elemental damage in Borderlands 3 could be a whole lot clearer. The various ways of shocking, burning, and melting your overzealous foes tend to look very similar. And, while you can look up...

Smash Ultimate doesn’t just bring entirely new content into the mix. A few of its fighters have been around since the very beginning of the series. Although most of the returning charact...

Good things come to those who distract themselves with other good things. Sega 3D Classics Collection inspired this adage that I just made up. When I fire up either Thunder Blade or...

Want some help earning Gold Bars in Red Dead Online? First, you need to differentiate between the two types of currency available to you. For instance, what’s a Gold Bar and versus a Gol...

Monster Hunter: World has quite a lot of items to farm and collect. One of the most deviously rare drops is the coveted Monster Gem. They’re used to create armor sets, high-level we...

As summer winds down, so too does the Solstice of Heroes in Destiny 2. To be honest, I thought I was done with the game until Shadowkeep. I’ve got my MMXIX title...

Something fishy is happening in the Destiny 2 Forges. It involves the complicated unlocking of some emblems. And we’re here to tell you exactly how to unlock these new, hidden cosme...

If you don’t know about Joker’s Trick, I both envy and pity you. It’s a nightmare of a social media account — a monument to intentionally bad jokes in the “Weird Twitter” style and...

It feels like just yesterday that Shadowbringers graced Final Fantasy 14 as the game’s latest and greatest expansion. Or maybe it just feels that way because I only managed to beat t...

Smash Ultimate is finally upon us. It’s been more than four years since the last game, but Super Smash Bros. is back and now on Nintendo’s newest console, the Nintendo Switch. T...

People have a lot of capital-O Opinions about Destiny 2, but almost everyone can agree that it’s a visually stunning video game. Bungie is famous for its sky boxes for a reason, and with each...

In a 2017 interview with ESPN, Korean Overwatch League star Kim “Geguri” Se-Yeon described wanting to disguise her voice with a modulator so that male players would team up with her. This is ju...

A little way into your ordeal with Resident Evil 2, you’ll come across the Safety Deposit Room. The lockers in this room contain an assortment of life-saving supplies, but you nee...