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Warframe is probably one of the best free-to-play games ever made. For years it’s sat near the top of the Steam charts just chugging along quietly. Like most games which don’t charge an entry...

In writing these daily lists for Fanbyte (it’s a great website, you should look it up), I spend a lot of time combing through Wikipedia looking for ideas. And whether I’m reading about the broader his...

The Monster Hunter: World main quest eventually puts you at odds with a fiery Elder Dragon: Teostra. The monster can be quite intimidating, with his powerful fire moves, and you hav...

Rockstar has finally let fans loose on the wild west of Red Dead Redemption 2. And boy howdy is it packed full of secrets. So much so that you can just wander aimlessly into the wilderness an...

Final Fantasy 14 is awfully enjoyable — especially if you play a tank. It’s one of the most rewarding roles in the game by far, partially because it’s so difficult. Dungeons in FF14<...

Resident Evil 2 can be a tricky game. Not long after you arrive at the Raccoon City Police Department, you’ll be tasked with opening a secret passageway beneath a statue in the Main Hall. To...

The MHW Health Booster is one of the most useful items to upgrade in the game. Boosters and mantles are more powerful than ever, thanks to Iceborne — the fir...

Technically, the best way to play Teamfight Tactics is to adjust as things happen. When TFT offers you a couple of Nobles or Wild, generally you should lean into those and utilize th...

With Call of Duty Mobile crushing it in the world downloads at over 100 million in its first few weeks, Tencent has created its own in-house rival to PUBG Mobile. Long before launch,...

Early on in Pokemon Sword & Shield, you’ll encounter “strong-looking” Pokemon. These creatures will be several levels above your team and are some of the toughest battles you’ll face...

Pokemon Sword and Shield has introduced a lot of new mechanics, but the largest (heh) of them all is the Dynamax mechanic. For those unaware, Dynamaxing Pokemon enlarges one ‘mon...

In American trademark law, companies have to defend their trademarks against unauthorized use. For the most part, this is common sense: Coca-Cola wants to be sure the drinks bearing its logo are actua...

Nintendo, that family-friendly game company with the iPod-white consoles and mustachioed plumber mascot, announced today via press release it would be selling off the bulk of its financial investment...

I just finished my Solstice of Heroes armor in Destiny 2, and wow was it a grind. Thankfully, most of the assignments you’re tasked with to complete the armor are things you’ll do in the...

Perhaps the best part of Borderlands 3 is the customization of its heroes. Okay, maybe shooting hordes of bandits, skags, and guardians is the best part, but discovering builds is a close secon...

As we approach E3, more studios and publishers are rolling out announcements for new major games and DLC. One such is Bungie’s massively multiplayer sci-fantasy shoot-n’-loot, Destiny, which...

Things are really heating up in Final Fantasy 14: Shadowbringers! Mt. Gulg is the expansion’s fifth dungeon — not to mention a real doozy if you’re afraid of heights. Just don’t look dow...

Nightwave is the Warframe system of weekly and daily challenges — like a free battle pass! Completing challenges rewards players with Standing to increase their Nightwave level. Naturally, ev...

Bungie’s divorce from Activision Blizzard finalizes when Destiny 2‘s next big expansion, Shadowkeep, launches on October 1. The game is leaving Acti/Blizz’s launcher for S...

It takes a lot for an FPS to impress me. I would consider myself only the most casual fan of the genre, someone who enjoys the off-kilter offerings (the BioShocks, the recent DOOM, etc.), and just dab...