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In Anthem, you have to look good while saving the world. Luckily for you, developer BioWare has included a fancy cosmetics shop where you can purchase all kinds of cosmetic goodies. These inc...

I first heard of Mu Cartographer during the Experimental Gameplay Workshop at GDC this March. The EGW is a (relatively) long-running GDC event designed to highlight truly weird game de...

Smash Ultimate isn’t a franchise that shies away from classic characters. Although for some, Lucario might still need some introduction. The very popular Pokemon is a mainstay of its hom...

When I first heard about “dad builds” in games like Destiny 2, I was shocked that I hadn’t come up with the concept. Obviously I know a little something about Destiny, and...

There’s no denying that digital distribution has profoundly shaped the game industry in recent years. What was once sold on discs and cartridges in stores — severely limiting the number of published t...

Pokemon isn’t simply about overfishing and virtual cockfighting — gosh, has anyone done those hot takes yet? — it’s also, ostensibly, about understanding and bonding with creatures different...

The Silver Rathalos of MHW gives no quarter. It’s an endgame subspecies found only in the Guiding Lands of Monster Hunter: World (at first). Unlocking it is no easy matter, either. T...

Minecraft is the definitive sandbox experience. A truly open-ended game where every run is deeply personal and unique. Even with the standard version of Minecraft, there’s no limit to th...

Smash Ultimate has no shortage of Pokemon among its ranks. Many of these were relegated to “summons” with the Poke Ball or come with the Pokemon Trainer fighter. A few, however, got thei...

The High Court of Paris (aka the Tribunal de grande instance de Paris, or “TGI”) has ruled against the digital games magistrates at Valve, siding with a French consumer rights organization in...

Destiny 2 has changed a lot with the launch of Shadowkeep. Bungie has reworked several of the game’s systems, including how players go about upgrading their gear. Previousl...

Cities: Skylines is an incredibly robust and complicated city-management sim that fulfilled the dreams of prospective city planners worldwide upon its 2015 release. All the hallmarks of...

Smash Ultimate is a true celebration of Nintendo history (and sometimes just Nintendo adjacent history). It’s gotten rave reviews from fans and critics alike. But that won’t help you...

Smash Ultimate is finally within our grasp. It’s been far too long since the series’ last entry, but Super Smash Bros. is back and exclusive to Nintendo’s newest console, the Ni...

No looter shooter is complete without a heaping of super powerful gear, and in The Division 2 that comes in the form of exotic weapons and gear with unique perks and useful stats. Exotics can...

Veteran Resident Evil 2 fans will recognize G as William Birkin: the man responsible for the creation of the G-virus. Sadly, he’s sampled just a bit too much of his own produ...

Pokemon GO, an augmented reality app which uses your smartphone’s camera and GPS to turn the world around you into a Pokemon scavenger hunt, will be launching this July according to Nintendo.

Destiny 2: Season of the Drifter is nearly upon us. The next round of new content for Bungie’s sci-fi looter focuses on, you guessed it, the titular Drifter. And it seems chock full of new ac...

Flower Crown Eevee is your Pokemon GO Research Breakthrough reward from Sept. 1 to Nov. 1, 2019. In this Pokemon GO Eevee guide, we’re going to detail how to make the most of your ve...

Bungie is a adding a Season Pass to Destiny 2 with its own progression system, rewards, and more. Completing it will mean unlocking new exotic weapons, Bright Engrams, and cosmetics like...