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Good detectives, such as Yagami in Lost Judgment, make use of anything on their reach to solve a case. From chasing UFOs in side cases to infiltrating a motorcycle gang in school stories in ord...

We knew this day would come. Glamour and gear has come a long way in the world of Final Fantasy XIV. So much so that clothing designers and armorers across The Source and The First have overc...

The usual Wordle of the day winds its way through the week! If you haven’t looked at a calendar in a while, it’s currently Jan. 24, 2023 and we’ve got the hints to go with the puzzle for toda...

Sifu does not care about you. It will kick your teeth in, spit on you, and watch you scramble as foes serenade you with a symphony of shit-talk. It is an arduous journey; there is no grinding...

As part of Animal Crossing: New Horizons Update 2.0, you can now go talk to Isabelle and enact ordinances to customize your island. They’re not free, however, and she only explains what they...

After a year and a half without running a show in front of a live audience in America, New Japan Pro Wrestling finally earned a gate in the U.S. with NJPW Resurgence. The event featured matches that h...

One of the most important roles in MMOs like New World is the DPS, short for damage-per-second.. Whereas tanks are responsible for controlling crowds and healers keep the party alive, DPS mai...

As per usual, a new Destiny 2 season means an all-new seasonal artifact. But what seasonal mods are available for it? Which powerful combinations will we be able to make this time around...

Destiny 2 Season of the Splicer is here and it’s time to elevate your fashion game. Along with new weapons, a 6 player activity, armor, story missions, and season pass, the heavily requested...

It’s time to become ones and zeroes as we dive into the digital world. Welcome to one of two dungeons you can run after finishing Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. The Stigma Dreamscape picks up...

In Age of Empires 4, the English civilization is marked as one of the easiest civs to play as. Not only is it one of the most straightforward, but it also has stronger early game units and im...

If you’re a veteran player of Final Fantasy XIV, you probably forget all about the Aether Currents in-between expansions. These whirling orbs of wind dot the landscape in new maps, and only by...

The undead walk the earth in Project Zomboid, but thankfully they’ve lost the ability to drive. As you scavenge Kentucky in search of resources, you come across abandoned vehicles, mostl...

With the addition of a battle pass, the Halo franchise has joined just about every other multiplayer game out there. Since there are no XP gains from simply playing Halo Infinite, yo...

After six years, 343 Industries is back with another mainline Halo installment. Things have undoubtedly changed since the release of Halo 5: Guardians and one of those...

If you’re a veteran player of Final Fantasy XIV, you probably forget all about the Aether Currents in between expansions. These whirling orbs of wind dot the landscape in new maps, and only by...

If you’re looking for an in-depth survival game set in a zombie apocalypse, Project Zomboid is one of the most ambitious. It’s complex, ruthless, and more welcoming than it seems. F...

After years of teasers and delays, the long-awaited Halo Infinite has finally been released. Set on the Zeta Halo, you once again assume the role of the Spartan, Master Chief. Rescued by a fe...

Welcome to the first raid of the Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker patch cycle! Seeking answers about a mysterious crystal found in the aetherial sea, the Warrior of Light heads ba...

Trying to survive in the zombie apocalypse of Project Zomboid can be a lonely experience, but it doesn’t have to be. As the game continues to evolve over time, developer The Indie Stone...