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Developer FromSoftware’s Elden Ring is finally available! Set in a gorgeously haunting setting, this dark fantasy blends together the backbreaking brutality the studio is known for...

Before you have even set foot in your procedurally generated Core Keeper world, you need to create your character. Aside from customizing their looks, you also need to choose their background...

What’s a JRPG without a fishing minigame? Wack, that’s what. No, I’m messing around. But what about JRPGs that go all-in on having whole gameplay systems and side stories built around fishing? Hell ye...

Riders Republic is the latest sports game from Ubisoft that blends extreme sports with a large open world. You assume the role of a newcomer looking to make their mark in this haven of offroa...

The upcoming Patch 6.1 kicks off a brand-new saga for Final Fantasy XIV. With the closing moments of Endwalker, one grand tale ended and another began. Now, instead of th...

Destiny 2 Season of the Lost is here and we’re heading back to The Dreaming City. Acting as a prologue to The Witch Queen expansion, this season revolves around freeing Savathun from her worm...

On some level, the idea of new Pokemon generations is inherently untenable. Every few years, they introduce a brand new region, new gyms, new characters, and of course another set of Pok...

Destiny 2 Season of the Lost is here and we’re heading back to The Dreaming City. Acting as a prologue to The Witch Queen expansion, this season revolves around freeing Savathun from her worm...

I’m gonna kick off my Game of the Year list with a spoiler: every year, when there’s a Final Fantasy XIV expansion, said expansion winds up being my number one. I still want you to pretend to...

Destiny 2 Season of the Lost is here and we’re heading back to The Dreaming City. Acting as a prologue to The Witch Queen expansion, this season revolves around freeing Savathun from her worm...

The current in-game event going on in Final Fantasy XIV is the redux of the Final Fantasy XV crossover where you can nab a few items for a limited time like the Regalia car as a mount, N...

During one of the earlier Letter from the Producer Live streams for Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, creative director and lead producer Naoki Yoshida showed off new hairstyles coming for female V...

With Destiny 2’s Witch Queen expansion a little over a month away, players are beginning to prep for this upcoming adventure. This can take many forms, but for the hardcore community...

Twitter is a strange place. Among the seemingly never-ending supply of terrible people with too much time on their hands, there’s magic. Some such magic began two days ago, on Sept. 5, 2022, at 6:25 p...

Welcome to Patch 6.3 of Final Fantasy XIV! We have a full breakdown of the FFXIV 6.3 patch notes, but this guide is all about helping you out with Custom Deliveries. The previous set of Custom...

Lightfall comes to Destiny 2 on February 28, 2023. As was the case with Witch Queen and Beyond Light before, its arrival will als...

Eight years ago, I braved my first-ever MMO raid encounter with Final Fantasy XIV’s Binding Coil of Bahamut. Anxious, miserably shy, and relentlessly focused on people-pleasing, it only took...

Welcome to the first Savage raid of the Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker patch cycle! You faced off against a mind-controlled, rage-filled Erichthonios in the standard version of this enco...

Fortunately for new farmers headed to Stardew Valley, the real estate market out there is pretty darn good. In fact, first-time movers to the quaint yet scenic Pelican Town are given several...

COVID-19 has been a difficult time for heels. Nowhere is this truer than in Japan, where restrictions on sporting events mean that fans have been unable to make noise since the beginning of the pandem...