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Modern Warfare 3 has hundreds of attachments (with many being virtual lookalikes that essentially do the same thing slightly differently), which makes building guns an incredibly confusing process! Lo...

The Randy’s Throwing Knife Legendary scout rifle was a Crucible quest reward in Destiny 2‘s Season of the Undying. It was sunset with several other weapons, but it’s now back with a bang in Sea...

Destiny 2 can be an overwhelming experience for those who are either new or returning after a long hiatus. With so many updates, expansions, seasons, and items added in, one can easily fin...

Two-Tailed Fox hasn’t exactly been the most popular exotic weapon in Destiny 2. But, Bungie did promise it would finally get a small upgrade with a new catalyst soon and with Destiny 2: Ligh...

Does anyone else remember a time when Thunderlord was one of the most popular exotics in Destiny? It’s been many, many years since then, but Bungie is trying to bring it back around during the...

There’s no official energy type in Destiny 2’s Season of the Seraph, but there is a new Arc armor set in Eververse. That said, Bungie still has a little treat in the form of a new catalyst for the Clo...

Modern Warfare 3 has hundreds of attachments (with many being virtual lookalikes that essentially do the same thing slightly differently), which makes building guns an incredibly confusing process! Lo...

The browser crafting game Infinite Craft starts you with the basic building blocks of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. From there, you can combine these elements to create new blocks, infinitely crafting...

Modern Warfare 3 offers a plethora of attachments, many of which are virtually identical, making the gun-building process quite perplexing. The internet is awash with clickbait and subpar content, but...

Once you hit level 90 as a crafter in Final Fantasy XIV you’ll want to start melding your gear for maximum efficiency while crafting. But where do you need to start, and what are the best stats...

The New York Times has a compelling new puzzle game called Strands, and it feels like a mix of a traditional word search and a topic-focused puzzle like Connections. If you need help...

Exploring the world in LEGO Fortnite can lead you to perilous locations in search of elusive resources. Today we delve into acquiring an early game resource that may seem challenging to obtain at firs...

The next Helldivers 2 premium Warbond — the third-person action game's battle pass equivalent — comes to Super Earth on April 11, and Sony released an explosive official trailer Thursday detailing wha...

In the browser-based game Infinite Craft, you begin with the fundamental elements of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. You can combine these to create new entities, endlessly crafting various people, place...

The New York Times's latest puzzle game is Strands, a brainy mix of the traditional word search with a topic-focused puzzle like Connections. If you need help getting used to the game...

Each of the many jobs in Final Fantasy XIV has its own story to tell that is separated from the game's Main Scenario Quests, ranging from the low levels of A Realm Reborn&...

As you dive deeper into Final Fantasy XIV, more systems and tools become available to you. One of them, desynthesis, is for those players who got at least curious about the crafting classe...

Final Fantasy XIV's Island Sanctuary may have a lot of available materials, but many of them can't be gathered immediately. Island Marble is one material you won't see at all when you're just s...

Final Fantasy XIV has the reputation of being a welcoming and positive game with little toxicity from its community. Even so, there comes a time when you may need to remove someone from a...

Infinite Craft leverages artificial intelligence to craft infinitely. Starting from the core elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water you combine two items to generate another based on associati...