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Season of the Wish is upon us in Destiny 2! With it comes a slew of new weapons to collect and a whole heaping of reissued guns as well. Naturally, that means everyone is itching to get their h...

Season of the Wish is upon us in Destiny 2! With it comes a slew of new weapons to collect and a whole heaping of reissued guns as well. Naturally, that means everyone is itching to get their h...

Season of the Wish is upon us in Destiny 2! With it comes a slew of new weapons to collect and a whole heaping of reissued guns as well. Naturally, that means everyone is itching to get their h...

Earlier this week, Final Fantasy XIV revealed the latest part of its huge 10th Anniversary celebrations, a series of messages from prominent figures to pay homage to a decade of A Realm...

The stars and firmament (pun intended) above Etheirys and Eorzea have played a pretty big role in Final Fantasy XIV, from heralding the end of 1.0 with the fall of Dalamud, to the entire job of...

Every year, Final Fantasy XIV players have their very own holiday to look forward to called the Starlight Celebration. It always comes around mid-December, and there are usually some nice seaso...

While trying to recover Riven’s lost eggs as part of the ongoing seasonal questline for Destiny 2’s Season of the Wish, you’re encouraged to defend Riven’s Lair against all tresp...

The latest This Week in Destiny blog updated players on the upcoming Dawning 2023 event. The blog previewed the Dawning upgrades at Eva Levante, a look at the brand-new Dawning Mement...

The newest dungeon for Destiny 2 is here, and Warlord’s Ruin has you stepping into a Dark Age castle to battle Scorn and Taken. Just like previous dungeons in Destiny 2, you’ll need to p...

Warlord’s Ruin is the latest dungeon in Destiny 2, and as is the case with dungeons, it has collectibles for players to find. These collectibles allow players to hear lore recordings that furth...

When Sony officially acquired Destiny 2 developer Bungie in July 2022, nobody could have predicted the tumultuous year and a half that followed. In the wake of a big delay for the next m...

In any video game where mass amounts of players can interact with each other, there will always be issues with harassment and bullying. In Final Fantasy XIV, those issues are also present. Due...

Final Fantasy XIV’s Tales from the Dawn series is a collection of short stories released following Endwalker that give players an insight into their favorite characters from the game’s s...

There are several hurdles to being adequately prepared for the most challenging content in Final Fantasy XIV. One of the most obvious aspects of a powerful Warriors of Light is their...

Destiny 2 has a slew of collectible resources vital to every player looking to maximize their power and optimize their efficiency in battle. One of the rarer but more important of them is the E...

Iron Banner is officially back this week and with it, Lord Saladin is also bringing back some rare Iron Banner ornaments for players to add to their collections. Finally, those who missed out on...

With the first Iron Banner of Season of the Wish, Destiny 2 is introducing a new mode to the PVP playlist called Tribute, which is now live. Tribute is a Supremacy-based mode, meaning players w...

The Season of the Wish keeps bringing more content and loot, and now it is Lord Saladin’s turn to give out some goodies. Don’t worry, he hasn’t come empty-handed. Here are the Lethal Abundance god rol...

Bungie’s past two This Week in Destiny blogs announced that the base version of Control will finally be available as a selectable mode in the Crucible. This is great news for those who don...

The Season of the Wish in Destiny 2 brought with it over a dozen new shaders. Many of them are exclusive to the Eververse in exchange for Silver (aka real money), but this week you can get the...