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Perhaps the most powerful Warlock exotic in Destiny 2 is getting hit with a big nerf next season. Revealed in the new blog post on Bungie’s website, this highly potent exotic quickly gained p...

Destiny 2’s Lightfall expansion has finally been released and there’s a ton of new content for players to sink their teeth into. Along with a new story, exotics, loot, endgame content, and a...

Editor’s note: (7/5/2022): Maintenance for Final Fantasy XIV Patch 6.18 finished and the game is back online. However, players had difficulty using the new data center travel syst...

Final Fantasy XIV Patch 6.25 is finally here! While we already have a super useful patch notes summary for you to peruse, you may find yourself looking for a list of all the new items for you...

Of all the new things added in Patch 6.3 for Final Fantasy XIV, there was one that had its own viral pop on social media. That was the Corgi minion, which appeared in a YouTube Short on the off...

Swords in Destiny 2 are unusual Power weapons in that they’re close-range combat tools. There aren’t a ton of them to choose from compared to some other weapon types, but here are o...

Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph has arrived and it’s time to reunite with everyone’s favorite, murderous Warmind, Rasputin. Revolving around repairing the broken remnants of Rasputin, pla...

Final Fantasy XIV is constantly rotating through its seasonal events, and alongside those events are unique holiday items. The Starlight Celebration event for 2022 just ended, giving way to the...

It is now time to face the lord and master of the Void in Final Fantasy XIV. Golbez’ generals have each fallen to the Warrior of Light and now only he remains. Are you up to facing against th...

In early December, ConcernedApe dropped the much-anticipated 1.4 gameplay patch into the picturesque world of Stardew Valley. The update brought a windfall of new features to the beloved...

Last week, I speculated about the next season of Destiny 2 taking place on Europa. That piece wasn’t really based on any evidence, just an idea for a future season that made se...

Apex Legends Season 14 is over halfway done, which means it’s time for another seasonal event. Returning once more, the Fight or Fright event is looking to bring all the spooky vibes to Olymp...

One of the trends with high-level endgame gear in Final Fantasy XIV is making it easier to get the best stuff as time goes on. The gear pieces and weapons eager players grind for when a...

With the Destiny 2 seasonal story arc concluded, the Solstice event has officially returned to give you more goodies to grind for. Similar to previous Solstice events, players will...

Destiny 2‘s Season of the Deep introduced an interesting sort of currency, Deepsight Harmonizer. These Harmonizers improve Guardians’ ability to craft weapons of their choice, elimin...

Last week, The Omega Protocol (Ultimate) was added to Final Fantasy XIV. The encounter was the latest ultra-hard fight, stretching veteran raiders to their limits to clear it. Just prior to t...

You know all about stats in Temtem, and now you want to manipulate them to give your team the advantage. Base Stats are unchangeable and SVs can only be nudged, so that leaves TVs. They can be...

The first improvements for your Splendorous Tools will augment your gear giving you increased stats. To begin this upgrade, accept the quest “A Dedicated Tool” by speaking to Chora-Zoi at the...

Time for yet another Wordle of the day! It’s Saturday, May 28, 2022 and we’re somehow all the way up to Wordle 343. If you’re here having issues guessing the correct word, we’re here...

In Under Pressure, your character gets stuck in one of Escape Academy‘s most dangerous rooms: The Thresher. Water is leaking in fast, but just because the pressure is on doesn’t mean you have...