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Destiny 2 can be an overwhelming experience for those who are either new or returning after a long hiatus. With so many updates, expansions, seasons, and items added in, one can easily f...

Back during Season of the Haunted, I noticed something about the Seasonal Challenges in Destiny 2 — there’s always one challenge during the final week’s batch that tasks players with com...

The Stellaris Shroudwalkers, or Shroud-Touched Coven as they’re often called, form a special sort of Enclave perfect for Pisonic empires! The trick is knowing where to find them and what they...

In the early 2000s, one of the greatest virtues any indie PC game could have was portability. Dial-up connections were still common, and the smaller a game’s file size, the easier it was to download a...

This weekend, Arc System Works is hitting up EVO 2022 with its headlining fighters and a few announcements for Guilty Gear Strive Season 2. On day one of the Las Vegas show, developers on

Leveling up your crafting classes in Final Fantasy XIV can be a difficult process. It’s always going to be a grind in some form. A whole 90 levels is a long way to go and there’s no clear-cut...

Watching Twitch for high-level No Man’s Sky ships seems like a good deal. At least compared to buying them for yourself! Those things get expensive and even finding a good one can be a bit of...

Time for yet another Wordle of the day! It’s Friday, July 8, 2022 and we’re solving Wordle 384 today. If you’re here having issues guessing the correct word, we’re here to help. Whet...

There is no perfect way to farm Salvaged Frigate Modules in No Man’s Sky. These suckers are just unabashedly one of the game’s biggest pains to acquire. Yet they’re more valuable than ever af...

You might want a Warframe Incarnon weapons guide in 2022 if you’re trying to wrap your head around these evolving armaments. Not only can these weapons transform in the middle of...

The Amalj’aa Tribe is one of the first Tribes that you can befriend in Final Fantasy XIV. Introduced all the way back in A Realm Reborn, these lizard-like humanoids begin in conflict wit...

It’s another wonderful Wordle of the day! As you might expect, we’ve got the hints for Dec. 6, 2022 to make things easier on you, too. That also brings us to puzzle #535. Just in case you’re...

In March 2017, Nintendo released 1-2 Switch, one of the Switch’s two first-party titles to launch alongside the hardware. While it wasn’t exactly critical competition for The Legend...

Massively undercutting the market board in Final Fantasy XIV is a lot the “Decisions Decisions” game in Jackbox Games’ Trivia Murder Party. In it, a pot of cash is placed in the center...

Time for yet another Wordle of the day! It’s Monday, July 25, 2022 and we’re solving Wordle 401 today. If you’re here having issues guessing the correct word, we’re here to help. Whe...

The new Stellaris Toxoids species pack is coming soon and with it come a whole lot of noxious, slime-filled features to change the way you play. Sure, there are some cool new portraits to cho...

The Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 Character Collection poses a new challenge when you’re out there exploring the battle royale map. With some returning favorites and a couple of new fresh faces...

A new Pokemon Scarlet & Violet trailer went up today, and while it showcased some pretty important things like online cooperative play and new pocket monsters for you to catch,...

We come at last to the Wordle of the day for Friday, May 13, 2022 with hints and answers for all! It’s nice to get back into the flow since the New York Times swapped a word midday. ...

The Genshin Impact Nilotpala Lotus is one of the latest materials to arrive in the game, and it’s one in particular that can’t be purchased in shops. The 3.0 update of the ever-increasing RPG...