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Whether or not you took the time to grind the Undying title last season, we have some good news for you. At first glance, it looks like the new Destiny 2 Savior title is indeed easier to obta...

One of the biggest parts of the Destiny 2 grind is the Public Event, a timed sequence that pulls players on a planet together to accomplish a common goal, like stopping a drill or blo...

America has always had a strange relationship with Japanese media and pop culture. From the weirdness of DiC’s Sonic Cartoons to everything about Digimon: The Movie, it’s plain to see that lice...

Fortnite is a free game that prints money, and one of its primary methods for doing so is its seasonal Battle Pass. For a price that may as well be $10 (since you can only buy v-bucks in $10...

The world of professional Magic: The Gathering was turned on its ear recently, when legendary Pro Tour hall of famer Yuuya Watanabe was disqualified from Mythic Championship II, after Wa...

I’ve just hit 950 Power in Destiny 2, which means that I’m into the true endgame — figuring out how to make my Guardian look as fresh as possible. The addition of universal ornaments in&...

Borderlands 3 has more than one billion guns and each of them was created by one of the game’s nine weapons manufacturers.

With over 40 different civilizations to play, Civ 6 is a massively replayable 4X strategy experience. Each civ and leader favors at least one of the five different paths to victory (dominatio...

If Shadowbringers didn’t prove well enough that Final Fantasy XIV is alive and kicking, then the MMORPG’s upcoming patch should double down on that fact. Today, in the team’s 45th “Letter Fro...

As a Nintendo kid of the 90’s, I remember blowing out the imagined dust from my hand-me-down Ocarina of Time cartridge and the awe of walking out into Hyrule Field for the first time. In that m...

Anthem live events are the next logical step for any player that’s beaten the main story. Luckily, BioWare already has an event up in time for the launch of the game on consoles. It’s ca...

I am just having the best week, everybody. Shadowkeep dropped on my birthday, and after some initial server issues, I’ve been having a great time with it. I got a lot of delicious n...

In eons long past, when the Darkness was still as mysterious as the moon and the Traveler did not yet shine like the sun, my coming was cause for celebration. These heroes of so-called humanity —...

I feel kinda bad for Smackdown right now. They set up two of the biggest storylines going into Wrestlemania, and then got one of them taken away, leaving them with what? Two whole storylines for the w...

Flygon swoops in to send Summer off in a sandstorm during the October Pokemon GO community day. Just like last October brought in the pseudo-legendary Metagross from the Ruby & <...

Spring is in the air! And so, too, is a new seasonal event in Destiny 2 — the first of its kind. The Revelry is meant to be the Destiny universe’s celebration of all things...

Already, Borderlands 3 is getting into the festive spirit with not only its first event, but also the first seasonal one. And with it being Halloween, a gamer favorite, they’ve brought in some nifty c...

Ever since the Switch launched 2017, Overwatch fans have been asking “Switch when?” Granted, everyone asks that about every game these days. Now the wait is finally over...

The internet was all a-twitter yesterday when Netflix confirmed that spacey heartthrob John Cho will portray intergalactic bounty hunter Spike Spiegel in its upcoming live-action adaptation of Cow...

In Monster Hunter: World, any hunter will tell you to take advantage of each and every way to farm materials. The long-running series puts a lot of emphasis on building the best weapon a...