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There are a lot of character customization options in Pokemon Sword and Shield. After choosing a preset character model and beginning your adventure, it won’t be long until you run i...

During your time with the new Destiny 2 expansion, Shadowkeep, you’ll find yourself doing a variety of quests for the returned Eris Morn. A bunch of the quests drop ra...

Pokemon breeding has long been a staple of the franchise. While Game Freak may have made things easier on casual players through the addition of mints, bottle caps, and ability capsules, there’s still...

Pokemon is renowned for many things, from its creepy and charming animalia and enchanted car keys to what seems to be a functional post-scarcity society. However, the cults of personality that...

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a game where you use guns to shoot things for points to get more guns to help you shoot things better. Of course, it can seem more complicated than that, at time...

When you first come across the Tobi-Kadachi in Monster Hunter: World, you might be in for a bit of a shock. The first Thunder-type monster in the game moves around the battlefield at a breakn...

Long-time fans of Pokemon will be pleased to hear that Pokemon Go is instilling a new piece of nostalgia into the hit mobile game. Now, in the new “Looming in the Shadows” event, players can follow a...

PAX South was this weekend, and it’s a refreshing event to go to because it focuses so heavily on the smaller games from smaller teams. While I was there I saw several games, but a handful of them stu...

We won’t speculate on how many of y’all anime fans engaged in “Totoro And Chill” in the DVD days or watching free anime online, you sick heathens. However, it’ll be much easier soon to have a family-f...

Pulse rifles are powerful and flexible primary weapons in Destiny 2, useful across both PVP and PVE activities. There are a ton to choose from, including several Exotic weapons. After co...

It’s that time Guardians. With Season of the Undying coming to an end, so too does the Gate Lord’s Eye. That means saying goodbye to the Destiny 2 Void and Arc class mods and to the weapon mo...

The elusive Gold Rathian in Monster Hunter: World only appears to players that enter the Guiding Lands. MHW doesn’t make this very clear, however, and the endgame zone doesn’t includ...

Death Stranding is in love with the beauty of the natural world. Venture up any of its challenging mountaintops and you’re greeted with a gob-smacking look at the forests and plai...

This week we decided to experiment with a different format: LB Hunktears and Colette Arrand typing paragraphs at each other in Google Docs. It’s kind of like a podcast, but for your eyes. You coul...

Remember that part in Dragon Ball: Evolution when Justin Chatwin’s Goku Dukes-of-Hazzard-slid across the roof of a car using his absurdly strong hair? This moment is only one among the m...

Those of you who haven’t yet completed the main story of The Division 2 and reached level 30 may find yourselves wondering what exactly happens afterward. At that point, the game needs to sca...

Throughout the campaign of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order you will gain a few comrades to aid you in your journey, increasing the size of your crew. But how may are there? How can you get them?...

If you, like us, have always dreamed of playing Fortnite as a toilet, then today is your lucky day. Thanks to Creative Mode’s new “Prop-o-Matic” gun, transforming into a toilet (or any other...

Surprise! A fan favorite weapon from the original Destiny is making a return today in Destiny 2! As part of the weekly update, players were sent to Titan for a Heroic Mission. Eagle...

Monstrous women are nothing new to video games, and neither is being madly in love with them. I mean, come on! What’s not to love? There really is a ghoulish girl out there for everyone these days. Bu...