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Each new Destiny 2 season comes with a variety of new cosmetics including emotes, finishers, and various ornaments. But which of these will have their day on the store for Bright Dust and whi...

It’s not every day that you’re treated to a concert in a video game (unless it’s Fortnite), but for some fortunate Sea of Thieves players, it’s happened when they stumbled across...

While we’re currently smack-dab in the start of a new (and very promising) season of anime, sometimes committing to a new show when you don’t know how it will turn out can be a stressful thing. Fortun...

I love Monster Train. Train goes choo-choo straight into the mouth of hell! But this game can be very weird and difficult even by roguelike deckbuilder standards. Its tower defense-esque...

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is finally here after months and months of waiting. Acting as the next major chapter in this FPS/RPG hybrid, players will embark on a journey to Europa to battle again...

In Other Waters is, at its heart, a simple science fiction story. A scientist follows another scientist to the oceanic depths of Gliese 667Cc: an exoplanet well outside our star s...

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a game filled with horrifying monsters, twisted abominations that are looking to make a meal out of Cloud and his golden hair. While there are a lot of powerful abil...

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is finally here after months and months of waiting. Acting as the next major chapter in this FPS/RPG hybrid, players will embark on a journey to Europa to battle again...

We’re living in a creepypasta boom. Anything you want, you can find it — or make it yourself and get an audience. Cursed video games? You can literally download and play them. Ruined childhood? Some o...

The world of fine art has arrived in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Part of the latest update, players can buy and donate pieces of art purchased from a new vendor, Redd. However, unlocking t...

If you want to survive the journey to the escape helicopter in Call of Duty: Warzone then you’re going to need a reliable firearm. Even though there are a ton of weapons to choose from, one h...

Survive Bar is one of the most welcoming locations in Yakuza: Like a Dragon. It’s a place where you can get to know more about your party members and play karaoke, but you can also listen to...

Spoilers for the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy to follow.

Rogues have always been a popular tribe in Magic: The Gathering’s Commander format. Their stealthy, ninja-esque design allows us to slip past our opponent’s board to deal damage directly to t...

Destiny 2 Season of the Worthy is here. After last season’s Empyrean Foundation efforts, gathering Polarized Fractaline, and reconstructing The Lighthouse, the Trials of Osiris are back. It’s...

Spider-Man: Miles Morales has brought back suit mods! Between activity/tech tokens and unlocking different suits through side missions, you’ll gain access to several different ways to customi...

Though Old King Allant isn’t the final boss of Demon’s Souls, many consider him to be since the real final boss is such a joke. Old King Allant is aggressive, insanely fast on his feet, and h...

As we enter the third week of the Season of the Worthy in Destiny 2, the Exotic auto rifle Hard Light continues to run roughshod all over the Crucible. Thanks to an across-the-board buff...

In the distant past of a few weeks ago, when things like sports and being able to engage in the outside world still existed in many parts of the globe, Japanese wrestling promotions like NJPW and DDT...

Activities such as karaoke or kicking an UFO Catcher in hopes to obtain that one plushie just hit different if you’re surrounded by friends. Yakuza: Like a Dragon presents a daunting story fo...