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Star Wars: Battlefront 2’s final update has arrived, so it’s time to take one last look at the different classes to determine what are the best Star Cards to use. Revolving around killing oth...

Destiny 2 remains one of the biggest titles in the looter-shooter genre, but it’s far from alone. The scrappy Warframe was free-to-play long before Destiny

Destiny 2’s next expansion, Beyond Light, is scheduled to release on November 10. Along with introducing a bunch of new and old content, Bungie has decided to vault four destinations and the...

As we all look forward to Destiny 2: Beyond Light, my lore brain has kicked into overdrive. One of my favorite things about Destiny is how easy it is to take little pi...

The fall of the Cabal homeworld, Torobatl. The heroic sacrifice of Osiris’s Ghost, Sagira. The Exo Stranger’s journeys into a dark future. What do these Destiny moments have in comm...

The Dawning has returned to Destiny 2. While there are plenty of rewards to chase and new a quest line to complete, sometimes you just forget the basics, we aren’t all professional baker...

Learning to play Path of Exile can be a deeply enjoyable and rewarding experience, but with the many playstyles and seemingly infinite build variations available comes a level of depth and co...

Warframe‘s latest Prime Vault opening features Trinity and Nova Prime, two powerful support frames. Their return from the Prime Vault means that their compon...

Final Fantasy VII Remake has been the game on everyone’s hit list recently, and for good reason. Everyone in it looks really fu...

Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout is the latest and cutest multiplayer game to take the battle royale genre by storm. Unlike other battle royale games, Fall Guys substitutes the combat fo...

I’m not the most creative person in the world. That obviously poses a problem when it comes to creative games like Animal Crossing: New Horizons. What you make of your island is entirely up t...

Backpacks have always been a cosmetic favorite of the Fallout community, as it adds a nice visual touche to any Vault Dweller. Thankfully, unlike the previous games where this item was modded in, back...

Next to assault rifles, sniper rifles are far and away the most popular archetype in Call of Duty: Warzone. Not only are they extremely powerful, but the map’s emphasis on verticality makes s...

Who’s ready to grind out another Destiny 2 title? The Beyond Light expansion is now live and that means it’s time to get chipping away at adding another (or your first) title to your...

The Old Hero boss in Demon’s Souls is interesting because he’s blind, meaning he won’t know where you are if you stand still. Staying still isn’t practical though, since you have to move to t...

Ah, Titans. Perhaps no other class in Destiny 2 is as long-suffering or as self-deprecating as these mountains of muscle. Saddled with arguably the worst class ability in the game as well as...

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is finally here after months and months of waiting. Acting as the next major chapter in this FPS/RPG hybrid, players will embark on a journey to Europa to battle again...

As per usual, a new Destiny 2 season means an all-new seasonal artifact. But what seasonal mods are available for it? Which powerful combinations will we be able to make this time around? If...

Alongside a bunch of Pokemon returning through the new Pokemon Sword & Shield Isle of Armor DLC comes a new post-game feature designed to test the mettle of battle-hardened compe...

Destiny 2’s Season of Arrivals is in full swing so that means there are new exotic weapons to hunt down. One of these is the Ruinous Effigy, which at the time of writing this hasn’t unlocked...