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Nintendo has released a pretty interesting tool for folks playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons to showcase their islands. The Island Tour Creator allows you to make what are essentially...

Destiny 2’s Season of the Chosen is officially live, so grab your weapon of choice and get ready to face the Cabal horde. Revolving around stopping Emperor Calus’ daughter Caiatl from uniting...

When it comes to Heavy weapons, grenade launchers have always been a wildly popular choice in Destiny 2. Their ability to output a ton of damage and flexible perk set makes them quite practic...

See that mountain? You can climb it.

Genshin Impact is all about increasing your party’s power so you can progress through the story and slay more dangerous monsters. Similar to other adventure games like The Legen...

Now that we’ve escaped the monster for now, we need to reunite with Sadness and figure out what the heck is going on. Thankfully we now know to look for her communication methods. To kick things off,...

Nintendo and The Pokemon Company held another Pokemon Presents showcase this morning, and it actually gave us a pretty substantial look at how the two plan to celebrate the franchise’s 2...

Death in video games is not a new concept. It’s typical that we, as players, are directly responsible for death, or at least actively die in gruesome (and sometimes comical) ways. Killing is such an i...

Watch Dogs Legion is finally here and time to turn the fight against the authoritarian ruling over London, England. Following a terrorist attack in the city, players assume control of a...

Destiny 2’s Season of the Chosen is officially live, so grab your weapon of choice and get ready to face the Cabal horde. Revolving around stopping Emperor Calus’ daughter Caiatl from uniting...

Towards the end of your Windblume event quest in Genshin Impact, Jean will ask you to pick one of six different flowers to offer on behalf of Mondstadt. This is meant as your final offering d...

The Dawning has returned to Destiny 2. While there are plenty of rewards to chase and new a quest line to complete, sometimes you just forget the basics, we aren’t all professional baker...

Hitman 3 is almost upon us, so dust off your suit and grab a fistful of coins because it’s time to hunt a new collection of targets. Similar to Hitman 2, players can play t...

One of the more troublesome New Pokemon Snap from the Research Camp tasks you with getting “a picture of the Pokemon under the floor.” This may seem frustrating to many as they’ve gone by the...

This is it, the final stretch in Little Nightmares 2. Keep in mind we will be spoiling some major moments in the story throughout the walkthrough so make sure to only read as you are progress...

Previously on the G1, Sanada moonsaulted his way out of the jaws of mathematical elimination, and no wrestler was left undefeated.

The bane of the Darkness is finally going away in the fall. Perhaps one of the most overpowered weapons in the history of Destiny 2, The Recluse, is going to be essentially useless in PVE act...

For a lot of Microsoft Flight Simulator fans, bush runs will be their first attempt at a long trip. The beauty of this mode is flights are broken up into shorter segments with few reaching ov...

There are a lot of secrets you can uncover in Paper Mario: The Origami King’s Shogun Studios. While many will focus solely on finding the Chain Chomp’s bone or unlocking the massive castle, o...

It’s been tough to play Final Fantasy games over the years. Despite being one of the most recognizable franchises in the medium, publisher Square Enix has done a pretty poor job of making the...