
Halo Infinite Skull Guide - The Command Spire Skull Location

Through the Fire and Flames.

After years of teasers and delays, the long-awaited Halo Infinite has finally been released. Set on the Zeta Halo, you once again assume the role of the Spartan, Master Chief. Rescued by a fellow USNC soldier, Master Chief is tasked with dispatching a rogue faction of the Covenant called The Banished. Unlike other entries in the franchise, Halo Infinite mixes classic linear level design with a large open-world that players can explore.

Similar to other Halo games, players can find hidden collectibles called Skulls, which will add unique (and often difficult) modifiers to the game. One late-game Skull you’ll come across is in The Command Spire mission. It can be easily missed if you aren’t looking in the right area, so here’s a guide on how to nab this Skull.

Halo Infinite The Command Spire Skull

The Command Spire Skull Location

The Command Spire’s Skull can be pretty daunting to find as there are a ton of little crevices and large, unused areas you can search. Thankfully, you can ignore almost all of those until you reach a large hallway where massive horizontal pillars are being moved through walls of fire. There are multiple enemies in this area, so focus on killing them and then progress past the walls of fire as you normally would.

Eventually, you will reach a bend in the hallway where the pillars turn right. Once you’ve killed the other foes hanging around, wait until a pillar passes above you. Grapple onto the pillar and then quickly grapple onto the small ledges directly over your head (shown above). This is significantly easier if you’ve unlocked the Quickshot upgrade for your grapple, as it will drastically reduce the cooldown of this ability. It may take a few tries, so just be patient and try to grapple on the angled sides of the pillar; otherwise, you will go flying away from it or bonk your head.

Halo Infinite The Command Spire Skull

Climb up onto the ledge and then grapple onto the next set of ledges directly above those. You might want to turn your flashlight on so you can see, for this entire area is extremely dark. You should see a glowing blue door along one of the walls (shown above). Approach the door to open it and then follow the hallway. After the next set of doors, you will find a Skull sitting on a small table in the middle of the room. Collect the Skull to add it to your collection. This is the Mythic Skull, which will give your enemies even more health upon activation. If you want even more of a challenge in Halo Infinite, consider throwing it on.

To activate this Skull, go back to the main menu and select “Load Game.” Now, pick which save slot you want to use, select it, and then pick the “Skulls” tab. This will bring up a menu of all the Skulls you’ve unlocked. Even if you find a Skull on a different save file, it can still be used on other existing save files. They will also appear as completed on your other save files, which is a nice quality of life addition. Remember: Skulls will disable saving and achievements, so use them at your own discretion.

About the Author

Collin MacGregor

Collin MacGregor is the Guide Staff Writer at Fanbyte. He's also the person who willingly plays the support class (you're welcome) and continues to hold out for an Ape Escape remake.