Trackless Waste

"Fascinating, fascinating. But I would expect nothing less from you, my friend."
Olu Alderdice's silver lips curve in a smile. "You're too kind, Spider. Too kind."
"You're sure the transmat range will cover my entire territory?"
"And then some, if the rumors are true."
"Now now, there's no need for that."
Olu gives a jaunty curtsy. "Are you sure I can't interest you in some arsenic lipstick?"
"It looks better on you than it ever would on me, my friend."
"Your loss, of course. Your loss." Olu offers her hand. "Shake on it?"
Spider extends his arm—pauses before their appendages touch. His four eyes scrutinize Olu's two, one organic, the other red and metallic.
He retracts his arm.
"I think not."
Olu's silver grin widens. "A wise decision, darling. Very wise."
Sight Slot

Dusk Dot D1
Light flexible sight. Medium zoom. • Increases range

King Dot K2
Superior scope. Short zoom. • Increases range • Slightly decreases handling speed

Wolf Dot W2
Scrappy scope. Medium zoom. • Decreases handling speed • Increases range

Dusk Sight D1
Lightweight sight. Short zoom. • Increases handling speed • Slightly increases range

King Sight K1
Agile sight. Short zoom. • Greatly increases handling speed

Wolf Sight W1
Lightweight sight. Short zoom. • Increases handling speed • Slightly increases range