Deafening Whisper

The Acolyte shuffles amidst the carnage of the battlefield. It lopes blithely beneath the impassive statues of Awoken Techeuns, unable to make the abstract connection between the memorials and the stiffening corpses.
It sorts through all materials with equal interest: blood-stained cloth, stone rubble, burnt paper, viscera. It examines an empty bandolier. It chews on a clump of hair. It does not consider the taste.
The Acolyte rolls over the upper half of a corpse bisected by Tulkor's void eyes. Unlike other enemies, this one clutches a thick black tube. Not flesh, but metal. It pauses.
Its grasps the tube and pulls, prying the tube from the enemy's rigid fingers. It remembers hearing the tube roar. Seeing explosions stagger The Ferocity of Xivu Arath.
For the first time since the assault began, the Acolyte glimpses the Final Shape. With this weapon, the Acolyte could ascend. It could impose Logic. This weapon could destroy—
Its incipient thought is interrupted by a hollow crunch.
The Acolyte's eyes go dim. It slumps to the ground as a Knight dislodges its sword from the Acolyte's skull. It tosses away its subordinate's corpse with one hand and picks up the grenade launcher with the other.
A fine weapon. Worthy of a Knight of Xivu Arath.
Launcher Barrel Slot

Smart Drift Control
This barrel is broadly optimized for firing control. • Moderately controls recoil • Increases stability • Increases handling speed • Slightly increases projectile speed

Quick Launch
This weapon's barrel provides faster projectiles and much faster aiming. • Greatly increases handling speed • Increases projectile speed

Linear Compensator
This weapon's launch barrel is well-balanced. • Slightly increases projectile speed • Slightly increases blast radius • Slightly increases stability

Hard Launch
This weapon's launch barrel is optimized for projectile speed. • Greatly increases projectile speed • Decreases stability • Slightly decreases blast radius

This weapon is weighted for vertical recoil. • Greatly controls recoil • Increases stability • Increases handling speed

Confined Launch
This weapon's launch parameters are particularly stable. • Greatly increases stability • Increases blast radius • Decreases projectile speed

Volatile Launch
This weapon is optimized for an especially explosive payload. • Greatly increases blast radius • Slightly decreases handling speed • Slightly decreases projectile speed