All Games and Gaming

Hark, Summoner! TFT 7.5 Uncharted Dragonlands is live on PBE, and coming to main servers soon. It brings a lot of new traits, and some of them are confusing. Don’t worry though, we got you covered on...

One of the best things about The Sims 4 is that you can keep coming back to it, again and again, and mold new parameters for your unknowing victims (sorry, uh, Sims) every time. Ser...

As time goes on and the market shifts more and more towards live-service games, I decided it was finally time for me to tackle a game I’ve been avoiding for years: Apex Legends. Of all the ba...

Nintendo has long cultivated a corporate image of wholesomeness and ubiquitous franchises and mascots, beloved the world over. Like Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, the walls of Nintendo are high, and...

As someone who grew up playing The Sims, I loved how this bizarre world had so many possibilities. It’s the ultimate storytelling tool, and there’s no denying it, I love horror — so why would...

The Yakuza series has seen a massive surge in popularity in the West in recent years, going from an obscure gem to one of Sega’s most popular franchises. The series is known for its style and...

When the original Saints Row launched in 2006, many were quick to label the game a Grand Theft Auto clone. It was an open-world crime playground, fair enough, but it had plenty of fe...

Twitter is a strange place. Among the seemingly never-ending supply of terrible people with too much time on their hands, there’s magic. Some such magic began two days ago, on Sept. 5, 2022, at 6:25 p...