Looking for a hint or two in pursuit of the Wordle answer today? We've got you covered with the solution for the Wordle today, April 24. Read on for three brief hints for today's answer, and the solution if it's necessary to keep your streak alive! We also have our April 23 hint and solution if it isn't quite Wednesday in your location!
April 24 Wordle Hints
Seeking some guidance to complete today’s Wordle? Use these hints to get closer to the solution:
- There are two vowels in today’s answer, with one at the beginning
- There aren’t any double letters in today’s Wordle
- While the answer isn’t obvious, “obvious” is an apt definition of today’s word

Today's Wordle Answer
Can’t solve the puzzle but want to keep your stats intact? Keep scrolling for the answer to the April 24 Wordle!.
The answer to the Wordle for today is OVERT. This is an incredibly similar solution to yesterday’s word “ROVER,” with four letters in common. My trusty starting word, LARGE, gave me a decent start, finding the R and E once again. I used TRITE to try and narrow down the position of the R, then found it while checking for a double with RETRO. This helped lead me to the final position of the R and subsequently, today’s final answer, OVERT.
Wordle Hints April 23
Need some help to solve the April 23 Wordle? Our trio of hints will help narrow down your search:
- There are two vowels in today’s answer
- You can find today’s answer on Mars
- Today’s word is a part of a common children’s rhyme

April 23 Wordle Answer
Trying to keep your streak alive? No problem! If you’re still racking your brain, read on to solve the puzzle worry-free.
The answer to the Wordle for this puzzle is ROVER. Yet again, like the puzzle a couple days ago, we’re faced with double letters. I started again with my reliable starter, “LARGE.” I then used the words “REDOS,” as I suspected the word began with “RE-”.Instead, I learned there was an O, but the word did start with R. I swapped the O and E with my next word, “ROPER,” and also learned there were two Rs. Then, I moved to today’s solution: “ROVER.”
What is Wordle?
The goal in Wordle is to guess the day’s five-letter word. That’s it. After your first guess, the game will flip over each tile, letting you know just how close you were to being correct. Grey tiles are letters that aren’t used in the word and they’ll also be greyed out on your virtual keyboard. Yellow tiles are in the word, but their placement is incorrect in the word you just guessed. Green tiles are both used in the word and are in the correct location. You have a total of six tries to get the correct word before failing. The game does keep track of how many guesses it takes you, so there’s a certain amount of pride in having lots of quick solutions.
Best Starting Words & First Guesses
But how should you start? In short, you want to make sure your first few words give you a lot of information. That means eliminating or confirming at least two vowels and not using the same letter more than once.
It’s important to remember that just because a letter is green, it doesn’t mean it’s not used again in the word. If you have M and O showing as green in the first two slots, for example, the word “Moons” can still be correct.
- Lanes: For all you Wheel of Fortune fans, “lanes” is a great start since it has most of RSTLNE and an extra vowel thrown in to help you get started.
- About: How about three vowels with a B and T thrown in for free?
- Maybe: I like “maybe” as a starting word because I always end up forgetting about Y as I start eliminating vowels and can’t seem to make the word work with what little I have.
- Earth: Want to eliminate some of the most common letters right away? Give our planet a nod.
- Sharp: If vowels aren’t your problem and you’d rather remove some consonants, “sharp” is a solid choice.
- Adieu: Vowel destruction, plain and simple.
- Piano: For some reason, I always struggle to find words with P in them, so starting by getting that out of the way always feels good.
- Quote: This is a good one — though few words use Q, so there are more efficient choices.
- Video: Same story as “quote,” but use it if you’re really stuck and can’t think of another word with V in it.
- Trail: Super common letters to eliminate or confirm right away.
- Eight: Another word with super common consonants.
- Roast: One fewer RSTLNE letter than “lanes,” but equally valuable.
What Does Not in Word List Mean?
Even if the word you’re entering is real, this message means that the word isn’t in Wordle’s dictionary for use. You’ll need to come up with a different guess.
What is the Word List?
You know how Wordle has one specific word for the entire world on any given day? That word is selected from a list of words. More specifically, it’s selected from an array of words. This array of words is hard-coded, meaning hand-defined. The New York Times maintains a long list of five-letter words and assigned each of these a date.
To make things easier on players, Wordle only accepts words that are in this array and will one day be selected as the word of the day. It might not be for years down the line, but if you run into a word that the game won’t accept, you can safely never guess it again. (Unless the game is updated, which is very much possible.)
Likewise, if you find one that you didn’t expect, keep that in your pocket. It may come in handy down the line. (Like “Zaire,” for example. I didn’t even know country names were an option!)