Tower of Fantasy

The Tower of Fantasy day times can be a bit of a mystery, as you’re bound to spend time taking down enemies and progressing through the story rather than paying attention to how days are prog...

The Tower of Fantasy crossplay feature is a much requested feature, considering the focus that many recent multiplayer and F2P titles have been putting on ensuring that neither you nor y...

The Tower of Fantasy release date has been long overdue since the announcement that the RPG would be launching on this side of the world. If you’re a fan of Genshin Impact...

The Tower of Fantasy satiety feature is one you should keep an eye on, as it’s going to determine the performance of your character in various situations. If you don’t, you’ll end up dea...

Tower of Fantasy tips are sure to come in handy. If you’re a fan of Genshin Impact it’s likely that you’ve heard about the sci-fi take of Hotta Studio and Level Infinite. With millio...

The Tower of Fantasy vehicles are special equipment items that serve as mounts in-game, giving you different mobility options if you’re tired of running and dashing around all of the tim...