
The Stellaris Shroudwalkers, or Shroud-Touched Coven as they’re often called, form a special sort of Enclave perfect for Pisonic empires! The trick is knowing where to find them and what they...

The new Stellaris Toxoids species pack is coming soon and with it come a whole lot of noxious, slime-filled features to change the way you play. Sure, there are some cool new portraits to cho...

Stellaris mercenaries are a very powerful new type of Enclave introduced alongside the Overlord expansion. Enclaves, if you don’t know, are useful NPC factions that don’t directly co...

In Stellaris, Power Projection is a new way of gaining Influence. It replaces the old bonus you once received from having Factions within your empire. Factions now produce Unity instead — whi...

The Stellaris Command Limit is just another phrase for how big your individual fleets can get. This is separate from your Naval Capacity (shown at the top of the screen). Whereas Naval Capaci...

Stellaris Federation types determine which bonuses your galactic community receives as it evolves — if you choose to go down this diplomatic route at all, of course. The best Federation types...

Stellaris: Console Edition is exactly what it says on the tin (or the download, as the case may be). It’s Stellaris on consoles — namely the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. But it’s a bi...

Espionage is a fairly complex system, but that doesn’t mean it’s hard to master. Not if you know what it’s for, where to find it, and whether it’s any good or not! Speaking of which: it’s worth noting...

I don’t often write about transitioning as a non-binary person. Mostly because it’s actually painfully boring. Today I stood in the pharmacy staring at bottles of diabetic cough suppressant for 20 min...

Like most strategy games, particularly those of the 4X genre, Stellaris is jam packed full of extra downloadable content to choose from. They vary in size from fully-fledged expansions to sma...

Does anyone else sometimes crawl through Steam tags looking for the next game to play? More often than not I find myself doing this when I’m on the hunt for the next game set in space to scratch my ex...

The new Stellaris: Overlord expansion is finally here and brings the largest new batch of Origins the game has seen since Federations. That’s five new Stellaris Origins in total. All...

The new Stellaris: Federations expansion is out with a trio of new features for the title. One of them, the Galactic Community allows group members to govern as a whole through democracy...

The unspoken assumption at the end of 2019 is that everyone is connected all the time. The stream of personal information up and content down flows uninterrupted, without caveats. There are no bottlen...

Stellaris has a literal galaxy of complications – that’s kind of the point! Let Zam’s Steven Strom show you how to get in and get cozy with all that insterstellar exploration and domination.

Stellaris is a galactic-scale strategy game that allows you to explore the universe, meet alien races, and either become their bros or wage warfare on them. Kind of Like Star Trek, b...