Emily is Away Too review

I’m holding IM conversations with two women at the same time, and I’m telling them different things, building different versions of myself. I know I’m going to be scored on how much I match their tast...

Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun

Deadly Tower of Monsters Review

The draw of B-movies, such as the ones shown on Mystery Science Theater: 3000, isn’t the fact that the movies shown are asinine. That would be too simple. The fun part is the idea that somebo...

The new Ghostbusters is awesome. Here's why.

I went into the new Ghostbusters with some degree of trepidation.

Cities: Skylines Natural Disasters Review Impressions

About Zam reviews

About Zam reviews

Resident Evil 0 HD Video Review

Here’s our video review of Resident Evil 0 HD. Check out our YouTube account for more videos!

Hard West Review

There’s an old adage that says a cowboy should never place a hat on his bed for fear of inviting bad luck and misfortune into his life. It’s a simple superstition, of course, but one that illustrates...

Cibele Review

Out of all the minutiae to appreciate about Cibele, my favorite is the clicks. This is a game that simulates what its like to look through a 19-year-old’s computer desktop—the old blog entries, the ol...