Project Zomboid

Survival is everything in Project Zomboid, but you won’t always be doing exciting actions such as hotwiring cars. Tasks like fixing a radio or a TV are still present, but having a charac...

Waking up every morning to face a zombie apocalypse in Project Zomboid is already stressful enough, that you won’t want to also worry about dieting. That being said, bad nutrition habits...

Canned-food will help you survive long enough in Project Zomboid, but there is nothing like fresh veggies growing in your own backyard. Farming is a mechanic not to be underestimated, as...

You will only get so far on foot in Project Zomboid, but thankfully, cars are still more or less available. Some might need repairs, and it can be a pain to access them without the keys...

There are no traditional difficulty settings in Project Zomboid, but you can still tweak your experience with different game modes. Whether you’re looking for a challenge that leans heav...

In the Project Zomboid universe, something as innocuous as an open window can mark the end of your character’s life. There is no escape from the game’s ridiculously detailed features, bu...

The undead walk the earth in Project Zomboid, but thankfully they’ve lost the ability to drive. As you scavenge Kentucky in search of resources, you come across abandoned vehicles, mostl...

If you’re looking for an in-depth survival game set in a zombie apocalypse, Project Zomboid is one of the most ambitious. It’s complex, ruthless, and more welcoming than it seems. F...

Trying to survive in the zombie apocalypse of Project Zomboid can be a lonely experience, but it doesn’t have to be. As the game continues to evolve over time, developer The Indie Stone...