Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

Pokemon Home, the Pokemon storage app available on Switch and mobile devices, is getting updated to support Pokemon Legends: Arceus and Pokemon Brilliant Diamond &...

Nearing the release of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl, Nintendo was upfront that the Switch remakes were meant to be faithful recreations of the original DS games. But I don’t th...

Pokemon games are almost never hard — at least not when you’re an adult who played them throughout your childhood and grew to understand the series’ type match-ups. This has been the case for m...

There was a horrifying but also hilarious phenomenon that occurred when the first trailer for the Detective Pikachu movie came out: our collective realization that a lot of the Pokemon w...

Nintendo and The Pokemon Company held another Pokemon Presents showcase this morning, and it actually gave us a pretty substantial look at how the two plan to celebrate the franchise’s 2...