Let's Play

Destiny‘s latest major expansion, Rise of Iron, is finally upon us. Join Zam’s resident Destineer Steven Strom as he explores the icy wilderness of Fell Winter Peak and the DLC’s fin...

Near Death is a survival sim with a strong story and creepy The Thing vibes. You play as a pilot who crash lands at an abandoned Antarctic station in 1982, with nothing but a space h...

Sacramento is a gorgeous little watercolor ‘walking simulator’ by Itch.io creator DZiff (with sound by Glass Body). I played a bunch and fell a little bit in love with the dreamy, wistful tone of the...

Zombie Night Terror is a unique puzzle/RTS hybrid that puts you in the director’s chair of an ongoing zombie apocalypse movie. Your goal — to infect as many people as you can and reign suprem...

Time to Die Adventures is an awesome – and free – little dungeon crawler from itch.io creator thatwhichis. You can try the game right here for a little baddie-bashing, dungeon-exploring,...

Anomaly 1729 is a rad indie puzzle game from the folks at Anvil Drop. You can think of it as Portal-esque in concept — only, instead of shooting impossible holes in spacetime, you ro...

Soft Body is a minimalist, meditative, bullet hell shooter. Those words don’t often go together, but it’s the best way to describe this puzzling, deeply satisfying game from Zeke Virant. With...

Tastee: Lethal Tactics is a little bit like Frozen Synapse, with an 80s action movie vibe. It’s all about turn-based tactical combat and lining up those kills three moves ahead. Join...

Stellaris is a galactic-scale strategy game that allows you to explore the universe, meet alien races, and either become their bros or wage warfare on them. Kind of Like Star Trek, b...

We’re having so much fun with the Overwatch beta (for Blizzard’s brand new team-based online FPS). It’s colorful, fast, accessible and incredibly competitive; and best of all, it accommodates...

Back in 1995 will scratch every itch you’ve had for that PlayStation 1 experience. It’s a mystery adventure straight out of the flannel era, CRT-looks and all. Join ZAM’s Suriel Vazquez...