Ghost Recon: Breakpoint

Ghost Recon Breakpoint is finally getting one of the most requested features since the game launched. A.I. teammates are returning to this tactical shooter for solo players. Announced during...

One of the many new additions to Ghost Recon: Breakpoint are the Faction Missions and their accompanying Battle Rewards system. There’s a lot of information to take in, but if you’re willi...

Auroa, the fictional island chain that plays host to Ghost Recon: Breakpoint is bloody massive. Ubisoft haven’t given exact measurements, but they did say it’s roughly the same size as the map...

Okay. The title of this guide isn’t entirely accurate. Ghost Recon: Breakpoint does mention some of the stuff I’m about to explain. The problem is that Breakpoint...

Are you struggling to decide on your career path in Ghost Recon: Breakpoint? Can’t choose between the long-ranged death dealing of a Sharpshooter or the up close and personal approach of an Ass...

Welcome to Auroa! Sadly, things have gone belly up in the libertarian utopia of Ghost Recon: Breakpoint, so it’s up to you to free the island chain from the brutal rule of the Wolves....