Final Fantasy VII Remake

A new DLC story chapter for the Final Fantasy 7 Remake has arrived! The story revolves around Wutai operative Yuffie Kisaragi’s attempt to infiltrate Shinra’s headquarters to steal their...

A new DLC story chapter for the Final Fantasy 7 Remake has arrived! The story revolves around Wutai operative Yuffie Kisaragi’s attempt to infiltrate Shinra’s headquarters to steal their ulti...

A new DLC story chapter for the Final Fantasy 7 Remake has arrived! The story revolves around Wutai operative Yuffie Kisaragi’s attempt to infiltrate Shinra’s headquarters to steal...

It’s been tough to play Final Fantasy games over the years. Despite being one of the most recognizable franchises in the medium, publisher Square Enix has done a pretty poor job of making the...

Hello everyone, and welcome to the 46th annual 2020 Jordie Awards. I’m your host, the frog/whale mafia boss from Mirai Sentai Timeranger, and it is my genuine pleasure to be here with all of...

Final Fantasy VII Remake has been the game on everyone’s hit list recently, and for good reason. Everyone in it looks really fu...

One of the biggest changes from the original Final Fantasy 7 and the Remake is the game’s battle system, which moved away from the series’ iconic Active Time Battle turn-ba...

It seems like no matter where Cloud goes there are always random townsfolk waiting to give him busywork in Final Fantasy 7 Remake. The Wall Market is no different, as you’ll need to kill time...

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a game filled with horrifying monsters, twisted abominations that are looking to make a meal out of Cloud and his golden hair. While there are a lot of powerful abil...

Major spoilers for Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII Remake to follow.

Summons are one of the most powerful moves you can perform in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake. These creatures can be called during a tough battle to quickly even the odds and take out any enemies...

I’m almost done with Final Fantasy VII Remake, but from when I first started it on Thursday night, it’s deeply reminded me of one of my favorite entries in the series, Final Fantasy XIII<...

One of the single weirdest enemies in the history of this series makes its glorious return in Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Tied to the colosseum tournament, the Hell House is the last enemy that C...

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is full of wacky, weird, and wonderful characters that you’ll come to love throughout its 30+ hour story. One of these characters is the Fat Chocobo, which is a massive...

Who knew that Cloud Strife was a part-timer Ghostbuster? In Final Fantasy 7 Remake, you’ll be tasked with bringing down a lot of monsters, but one of the creepiest is Ghoul. This spirit appea...

Final Fantasy VII Remake is not a self-insert RPG, but that didn’t stop me from finding some of its very heteronormative scenarios and dialogue off-putting.

So you want to summon the ice queen into battle and freeze all your foes in their tracks? Similar to other Summons, Shiva is one of the most powerful beings that Cloud and his party can call into batt...

Final Fantasy VII Remake is beautiful, but what if I could make it… more beautiful? There’s a rather impressive mod for that with the release of Altezein’s FFVIIR HD Project, upscaling more t...

A new DLC story chapter for the Final Fantasy 7 Remake has arrived! The story revolves around Wutai operative Yuffie Kisaragi’s attempt to infiltrate Shinra’s headquarters to steal...

Sony has announced that Final Fantasy VII Remake is headlining March’s free PlayStation Plus offerings. While that might sound exciting, given that Square-Enix just announced a new add-o...