FFXIV Raid Guide

Rhalgr, the Destroyer. Thaliak, the Scholar. Nald’thal, the Traders. The Twelve loom large over the background of Final Fantasy XIV. They are the patron deities of whole cities like Old Sharl...

We turn away from the First Circle of Pandaemonium, and head into the Second. Following the end of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker’s main scenario, we dive into the secret...

We turn away from the First and Second Circles of Pandaemonium, which easily fell beneath your blade. Now we move to the third leg of Final Fantasy XIV

Welcome to the first Savage raid of the Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker patch cycle! You faced off against a mind-controlled, rage-filled Erichthonios in the standard version of this enco...

Let me preface this guide by saying: Whoever designed this fight hates the Party Finder and wants it consigned to Hell. With that said, welcome to the third Savage raid of the Final Fantasy XIV...

Welcome to the second Savage raid of the Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker patch cycle! After breaking the chains of Erichthonios for a second time, you head to the sewers to...

Welcome to the first raid of the Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker patch cycle! Seeking answers about a mysterious crystal found in the aetherial sea, the Warrior of Light heads ba...

What is a raid but a miserable pile of trials? But enough talk — it’s time for the final fight of Pandaemonium Asphodelos! While Final Fantasy XIV tends to look towards other Square En...