Destiny: Rise of Iron

Next Destiny expansion, 'Rise of Iron,' dated for September 20th
As we approach E3, more studios and publishers are rolling out announcements for new major games and DLC. One such is Bungie’s massively multiplayer sci-fantasy shoot-n’-loot, Destiny, which...

How to get the Gjallarhorn Rocket Launcher in Destiny: Rise of Iron
Destiny‘s icy Rise of Iron expansion comes along with new, juicy exotic weapons to find and rain merry death and destruction upon one’s foes with. Zam’s Destiny expert Steven Strom shows off...

How to get the Khvostov rifle in Destiny: Rise of Iron
Destiny‘s icy Rise of Iron expansion comes along with new, juicy exotic weapons to find and rain merry death and destruction upon one’s foes with. Zam’s Destiny expert Steve...

Watch us play Destiny: Rise of Iron
Destiny‘s latest major expansion, Rise of Iron, is finally upon us. Join Zam’s resident Destineer Steven Strom as he explores the icy wilderness of Fell Winter Peak and the DLC’s fin...