
The Anthem Ranger Javelin is something of a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to the flying, armored suits of BioWare’s epic. It’s a balanced mix of offense and defense, compared to the game’s...

Anthem live events are the next logical step for any player that’s beaten the main story. Luckily, BioWare already has an event up in time for the launch of the game on consoles. It’s ca...

The Anthem tomb challenges appear a few hours into the core story campaign. These side quests halt the normal story missions for a bit, until you’re able to complete a number of tas...

Destiny and The Division have Exotics. Borderlands has Pearlescents. Now, Anthem has Masterworks. Well, technically there are both Anthem legenda...

In Anthem, you have to look good while saving the world. Luckily for you, developer BioWare has included a fancy cosmetics shop where you can purchase all kinds of cosmetic goodies. These inc...

As a person who repurchased a copy of BioWare’s ill-fated loot shooter Anthem last year, I’m finding myself a little bit jealous of a TikTok user who happened upon the game at a Gam...

In the years since Anthem‘s release, both Electronic Arts and BioWare have been fairly transparent about the fact that the mission-based jetpack-shooter did not land with either...

Hey Freelancers! Anthem has arrived to fly your butt all over its lush world. While the game is a visual juggernaut, we asked ourselves what the game would be like if it had been made in...